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Designed for Love Page 11

  "Positive. I remember putting them on the table when you hung up my jacket."

  "Then they have to be here some place. Can we look for them later? I have to get over there. We can go in my car."

  I shrugged. What the heck? I had a spare set at home. Besides, it just assured me of an excuse to come back. Not that I needed an excuse. At least I didn't think I did.

  Chapter Twenty

  Bill flipped open his cell phone and punched in a number. "Frank, did you call the city and get someone out there to turn off Gilmore's water?" He held the car door for me and motioned for me to get in.

  "Okay, good. I'll meet you out there in about twenty minutes." He flipped the phone closed and went around to the driver's side. "At least they had the presence of mind to call the city."

  "What happened?" I couldn't imagine why the house would be flooded.

  "Someone broke in and stole all the copper plumbing. Had to be last night. One of my guys was out there yesterday afternoon."

  "Stole the plumbing. Get out!"

  "Yep, that's the big thing now. Find a vacant house or someone who's on vacation and they take the plumbing. Copper's worth a lot of money."

  Talk about guts. "What would possess someone to do something like that?" I waved my hand to stop his answer. "Never mind, money, I know. What I mean is who came up with such an idea?"

  "Don't know who thought of it, but it's becoming rampant. Happening all over the city. Hell, I'm lucky they didn't break into mine."

  What was happening in this world? Stealing plumbing. Whoever thought of such a thing? "How much damage to the house?"

  Bill shrugged. "Don't know until we get there. But most of the plumbing was on the first floor. Hot water tank was in the laundry room upstairs. From what I understand they even took the water meter."

  I cringed. Hopefully, the damage was limited to the rooms where we still needed to replace the floors. I'd hate to see the beautiful hardwood floors in the bedrooms ruined.

  Bill pulled into the long drive and stopped at the gate. He inserted a card into the slot and the gates opened. He drove through, and they automatically closed behind us.

  "How did someone even get near the house with all that security?"

  "Good question. There's an alarm on the doors and windows, too."

  I caught my breath when the mansion came into view. I did it every time I came here. I loved the way the red brick mansion sat nestled on the wooded lot. "Something about this place evokes a memory in me." One I never could recapture.

  "Of what?"

  "I wish I knew. Nothing I can think of comes to mind. Maybe it was in another life."

  Bill laughed. "Another life, huh? So were you rich in this other life, married to the master of such a fine establishment?"

  I giggled at the way he changed his voice to an English accent, befitting a gentleman of another era. "More than likely the mean, old, spinster nanny."

  "You, a spinster? No way."

  I turned and looked at him. "Oh, mean and old but not a spinster, huh?"

  Bill burst out laughing. "You have to admit when we first met you weren't exactly pleasant."

  "No, I guess I wasn't. On the other hand, can you blame me? I mean you came barreling into me."

  "True, but I did apologize. Besides, I was taken with your beauty and had to figure a way to meet you."

  "Yeah, right."

  "I was. Don't you believe me?"

  "For a while I thought you were stalking me." I grinned at him. "I mean, what are the odds you'd end up on the same flight and in the next seat?"

  "Not to mention the same hotel room." Bill reached for my hand, pulled it toward him and kissed it. "You sure were a hard nut to crack."

  I pulled my hand away. "A hard nut." The very idea. Who did he think he was? Crap, had I just made the biggest mistake of my life?

  "Hey, I was joking, okay? But you are stubborn."

  "Stubborn, I'll give you." I chuckled. I couldn't stay mad at him. He was too darn cute. I liked that silly grin and the way he teased me. "But you have seen nothing yet."

  "Why, Miss Scarlet, is that a threat?" Bill changed to a southern accent.

  I giggled. Two could play the same game. "Ah do declare, Mr. Rhett, it just might be." I had never enjoyed anything so much in my life.

  Play acting just wasn't among my things to do. Even when my sisters pretended, I never joined in. Nonsense, that's all it was. Now, here I was enjoying it for the first time in my life.

  "Well then, Miss Scarlet, I long to see what you have in store for me."

  The desire in his eyes told me what he longed for. I squirmed in my seat. Excitement rushed through my body. "Well then, Mr. Rhett, you might not have too long to wait."

  "Now that, my dear, sounds like a promise."

  "That..." I reached across the seat and rested my hand on his thigh, just near enough to brush the bulge in his pants. " exactly what it is."

  The shudder that went through his body wasn't lost on me. I'd never excited a man before. At least, not that I knew of. Not the way I excited Bill. I'd never been so bold with a man before either. Never wanted to. But Bill was different. Something about him drove me to do things I'd never dreamed of doing.

  Never even imagined doing. Never even knew you could do.

  Bill took my hand and raised it to his lips. "Watch it, Miss Scarlet, or I might be tempted to stop the car right here."

  "Oh, Mr. Rhett, you wouldn't dare." Half of me hoped he would. Hell, when had I turned into such an insatiable slut?

  "Girl, don't tempt me."

  He ran his tongue across the palm of my hand, and I lost it. Searing wet heat gushed between my legs. I leaned my head back and groaned. Already, I could imagine his tongue between my legs, doing things I'd never known existed until last night.

  Not that I was a prude. I'd heard the talk from my college classmates. I'd just never paid much attention to it. I had other things on my mind. My career for one. I didn't have time for men.

  Oh, what I'd been missing. Yet, I was glad I hadn't been like the other girls. Casual sex wasn't my thing. It had to mean something. I was glad I hadn't given in before.

  Bill was special. Too special and I was in big trouble. Mentally and physically. When I fell in love, I didn't know. Oh, I was in love with him, no doubt about it. The question was– how did Bill feel about me.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Fortunately, they pulled in front of the house and the danger of pulling off to the side of the drive ended. What he'd like to do was take her up to one of the bedrooms, but he knew better. Not in someone else's house, especially a clients. It would have to wait until they got home. Hell, he waited for her this long, another hour or so wasn't going to make any difference.

  He got out of the car and hurried around to the passenger side, but Wendy was already out. Too bad, he liked to watch her get out of the car. He took her hand and began the long climb up the steps. Why anyone wanted all these steps before you got to the front door was beyond him. Why didn't they just build the house on ground level?

  He inserted the key, went in and pushed the numbers to turn off the alarm. Why hadn't it gone off when someone broke in? Already, he saw water trickling towards the front door.

  Wendy groaned. "What a mess." She stood in the living room. Water seeped from the kitchen into the dining room and stained the carpeting. She walked toward the stairway. Water oozed through the carpeting onto her shoes. Fortunately, she had worn her boot-type shoes. She started upstairs.

  "Let me know what you find up there," Bill said. "I'm heading into the kitchen. He was ankle deep in water. "Damn!" This wasn't something they needed. He grabbed his cell phone and punched in the numbers. "Frank, how soon can you have a crew out here?"

  They had to get this mess cleaned up before they could even begin to replace the plumbing. "On their way, good. Okay, see you in a few."

  Hopefully, Gladys's insurance was going to pay for this. Not that she didn't have the money, bu
t why should she pay for something like this? The front door opened, and Bill went to see who it was.

  Kathy stood in the foyer looking around. Crap, he didn't need her here to complicate things. Damn it! What the hell was she doing here? Before he had a chance to ask, she spotted him.

  "Bill, honey! I missed you."

  Next thing he knew, she threw her arms around him and kissed him, hard on the lips. He tried to push her away, but she had a bear hug locked on him. He turned his head away from her kiss in time to see Wendy stop on the stairs.

  Awe, shit. How was he going to explain this? She just stood there, staring at him. The look on her face said it all. He knew what she was thinking. Damn it, he had to explain. Set things right. He finally got a hold of Kathy's arms and pried her loose. Too late. Wendy flew down the steps and slammed the door on her way out. Not that she could go far, she didn't have her car.

  "What the hell's wrong with you?" Bill brushed Kathy's hands off him.

  "What do you mean?"

  She had that pouty look on her face that he hated. Dumb bitch pouted more than any woman he ever met. One of the reasons he quit dating her. Should have fired her ass too. But she was good at her job, and most of the time he managed to avoid her.

  "I mean what was all that about?"

  "I missed you." Kathy put her hand on his cheek and ran it across to his lips. "Didn't you miss me?"

  "What the hell are you talking about?" He hadn't seen her in weeks.

  "I haven't seen you for a while. How come you don't call me anymore?"

  "I told you. It won't work between us." He thought he'd made it pretty clear the last time he took her out. What more could he have said?

  "I thought you were just angry at me. Come on, doll, you know you didn't mean it." She put her arms around him and tried to kiss him.

  Bill pushed her arms away. "Look, Kathy, I already told you, there's no future for us. We have nothing in common."

  Kathy smirked at him. "The sex was good."

  Bill shook his head. Even that wasn't any good, but he didn't want to hurt her that bad. "You can't build a life on sex."

  What the hell was he doing standing here arguing with her? He had to find Wendy, had to explain. He brushed past Kathy and headed for the door.

  "Sure you can." Kathy's voice came from behind him.

  Great, she was following him. So be it. He pulled the door open, and it slammed into the wall. Who cared, they were replacing most of them anyway. He didn't see Wendy anywhere. He almost flew down the steps. He got to the bottom just in time to see Wendy get into Frank's car. Damn it, where was she going?

  "Wendy!" He raised his arms to flag them down. Too late. Frank turned in the horseshoe drive and drove away. "Shit!"

  "Who was that?" Kathy came to stand next to him.

  "That was the woman I'm going to marry." Had those words really come out of his mouth?

  They did, and damn if he didn't mean them. All he had to do was convince Wendy. He couldn't help but grin. Hell, she already introduced him to Nick as her fiancé, why not go for it?

  He imagined her arguments. They didn't know each other long enough. She had her career. Hell, she could keep her career, he didn't care. What made her think she couldn't juggle a career and marriage? A lot of woman did it. His brother's wives worked. Didn't she even say her sisters had careers?

  What kind of hare-brained idea made her think she couldn't have a successful career along with marriage? Now all he had to do was convince her. He'd never been surer of anything in his life.

  First, he had to explain Kathy. Not that there was anything to explain. Hell, he'd only dated her for a couple of weeks. He had no idea where she got the idea they were an item or what made her show up here today.

  Unfortunately, it was going to have to wait. The police pulled in, and he had to get the crew started on the clean up. Some of the guys already arrived. He'd have to catch up with Wendy later.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Bill pulled his car into the drive. Damn it, Wendy's car was gone. Crap, he'd been counting on her coming over later. He got out, slammed the car door, and hurried into the house. A quick shower and he'd go over there. He had to explain, had to make her understand. He let Leo out of the crate and outside, then waited for him to come in.

  "Good boy." He rubbed the top of the dog's head. He hated to crate him up again so soon, but Wendy took priority. He snapped on the water for the shower and undressed. Thoughts of Wendy in the shower this morning aroused him. Damn, he wanted that woman in more ways than one.

  He swore he could feel her fingers running through the hair on his chest, creeping downward toward his erection. Already it stood to attention. Hell, he had it bad.

  He snapped off the hot water and stood under a stream of cold water. He shivered, flipped off the water, and got out of the shower. He needed to get dressed, get over to Wendy's and make her understand.

  Everything had been going along well until Kathy entered the picture. What the hell was he going to do about her? He had a feeling it wasn't over yet. Something told him she wasn't going to give up. Some women just couldn't understand English. What he ever saw in her he couldn't figure out. Okay, with her long blond hair and legs that didn't quit, she was hot. He had to admit that. And she was good at her job. How was he supposed to know she was high maintenance?

  Unfortunately, what she made up for in looks, she sure as hell lacked in personality. Sulky little thing. Spoiled brat, that's what she was. Daddy's little girl used to getting her own way. Not to mention, they had nothing in common. How she dealt with customers he'd never know. But they seemed to like her.

  He threw the towel on the sink and headed for the bedroom. Leo followed along. Hmm, maybe he'd take Leo along for moral support. How could she throw both of them out? "Want to go for a ride, buddy?"

  Leo wagged his tail and danced around the room.

  "Okay, okay. Let me get my clothes on." Bill put his leg into his jeans. Leo bumped against his knees and knocked him to the floor. "Yeah, you like her too, don't ya, boy?"

  Leo sat next to him and rested his head on Bill's knee.

  "We'll get her back. You'll see." He lifted Leo's head and stood up. "Yep, she'll never be able to refuse us." Bill pulled his shirt over his head, looked in the mirror and ran a brush through his hair. "Good enough. She'll have to take me the way I am. Let's go, boy." He flipped off the light and ran down the steps, Leo followed behind.

  * * *

  Bill pulled into Wendy's drive and turned off his headlights. "Here goes nothing." He opened the door and waited for Leo to follow. He took hold of the leash. "Okay, here's the plan. I'll ring the bell and hide. You sit and wait for her to answer. Okay?"

  Leo looked up at him and wagged his tail.

  They walked up onto the porch. "Sit, Leo."

  Leo sat, and Bill moved off to the side so Wendy couldn't see him when she answered the door. The light came on in the hall. He held his breath.

  "Leo?" Wendy's voice came from behind the door.

  Bill wished he could see her. Wondered if she was looking for him. Finally the door opened.

  "What are you doing out here, boy?"

  Wendy stuck her head out the door. She stiffened when she saw him.

  "Hey, Miss Scarlet." He prayed she wouldn't shut the door in his face. Saw the smile that changed too quickly to a frown. At least he knew he could still make her smile.


  Gone was the playful Miss Scarlet of earlier in the day. He should have known it wasn't going to be easy. "Can we come in?"

  She crossed her arms over her chest and glared at him.

  "I just want a chance to explain."

  "Explain? I don't see anything to explain. It was all pretty clear."

  "No, it's not. You have no idea."

  "I know what I saw."

  Bill heaved a sigh. "You're the most stubborn woman I've ever met."

  "Is that what you came here to tell me?"

  "No, I cam
e here to...Look, five minutes. Just give me five minutes."

  Wendy looked at her watch. "Okay, go on."

  "I meant inside."

  She hesitated for a minute, but then opened the door and moved aside so they could come in.

  The minute he was inside and the door closed behind him he took her in his arms and pulled her to him. She stood still as a statue, frozen in place. But she shivered. From him, anger, or just the cold he wasn't sure. He hoped from him.

  He tried to kiss her, and she turned away.

  "You've already used up two minutes."

  Finally, he let her go. Nothing was going to come of him forcing himself on her. "I wanted to explain about Kathy."


  "The girl you saw this afternoon."

  Bill ran his hands through his hair, turned in a circle and tried to face her. She kept turning away.

  "Can we sit down?"

  "Say what you have to say and leave." Wendy walked to the door. "On second thought, just leave." She pulled the door open and gasped.

  * * *

  My friend, Alex, stood– hand in air ready to knock.

  "Wow, that was fast." Alex pulled open the storm door and walked in. "Hey, what's wrong?"

  I turned away. Leave it to Alex to notice something. Talk about poor timing. Or maybe not. At least now I wouldn't have to listen to Bill's lame excuse.

  Alex looked in Bill's direction and back at me. "Who's the hunk?" she whispered. "Oh, what a sweet dog. Greyhound, right?"

  I motioned for Bill to leave, but he ignored me.

  "Thanks. Yeah, greyhound."


  "Yep." Bill patted Leo's head.

  "My uncle has a couple. Great dogs." I'm Alex Hunter." Alex extended her hand.

  "Bill Johnson." Bill shook Alex's hand.

  "Bill was just leaving." I held the door and threw him a look that said get out now. But he ignored it and continued talking to Alex.

  A pang of something went through me. Jealousy? Maybe. Not quite as bad as seeing him kiss that girl this afternoon, but still. I didn't like these feelings.