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Secrets, Lies & Love Page 14

"Is that right? Maybe you haven't heard, he's divorced."

  "That may be so, but his wife is back, and you should stay out of it." Mrs. Maloney shifted her package from one hand to the other. "You're ruining your reputation, you know. People are saying…"

  "What are people saying, Mrs. Maloney? That I'm just like my aunt, uh mother?"

  "Tsk tsk. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree. Your mother always was an impudent smart aleck."

  "Is that right?" Another thing about Aunt Beth that didn't fit with her image. Meghan just couldn't picture her aunt as anything but a meek, quiet woman. Apparently her spirit was broken.

  Mrs. Maloney tsked tsked again and hurried away, mumbling something about young people being so rude.

  So people thought she was breaking up Patrick's marriage. Funny how they took Payton's side. The woman left her husband and child, yet they sympathized with her. Meghan shrugged and went inside. Not much she could do about it. According to Patrick, he and Payton were finished. If he was right, in a few more weeks, she'd be on her way. Then why did it bother her so much? And she still didn't know why her parents left town in such a hurry and never came back. What was all that about?

  Maybe the diary held more answers. Too bad she didn't have time to find out now, but she had to get ready for her date with Patrick. How much to tell him about the phone call, if anything? It would be a shame to ruin a perfect evening. Might be best to just ignore it.

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Patrick dropped Olivia at his mother's and decided to pick up some flowers for Meghan. Burt Ruskin bumped into him coming out of the shop. "Hey, Mac, how's everything?"

  "Hi, Burt, things are good. How about you?"

  Burt held up a bouquet. "In a bit of the doghouse, I forgot a date yesterday."

  Patrick cringed. "Oh, so not good?"

  "Ha, you're telling me. So, you in the doghouse too?"

  "Nah, hot date."

  "Yeah, I heard Payton was back. How's her ankle?"


  "Yeah, I heard you were getting back together."

  Patrick laughed. "Me and Payton? Where the hell did you hear that?"

  Burt shrugged. "It's all over town. Of course, I heard you and your secretary had a thing going, too. But I heard you were firing her."

  Patrick took a step back. "Who the hell started that rumor?"

  "Hell, I don't know," Burt said. "It's all over town. Maybe Lila told me. Elmer mentioned it the other day, too. Said you were lucky Payton was taking you back."

  "Payton's taking me back? Is that a joke? What's wrong with everyone in this town? Did they forget Payton left me? Left our daughter?"

  "Rumor has it you threw her out, but now she's back ready to forgive and forget." Burt looked at his watch. "Hey, I gotta go. If I'm late, Lila's never going to forgive me."

  Patrick rubbed the back of his neck. Something strange was going on here. Only Payton could start a rumor like that. Like he'd take her back. The nerve of her telling people he threw her out. That's what he should have done when she came back. Never should have let her spend the night. Hell, he never should have let her in to begin with. Damn, he hoped Meghan hadn't heard those rumors. He turned and walked away, forgetting the flowers.

  Did Payton really think he'd take her back? Surely, she couldn't be that foolish and naïve. Now that she lost the baby, he figured she'd be antsy and ready to leave in no time. He hadn't seen her since she ignored Olivia. Thankfully, Olivia hadn't asked to go back. Granted, Payton called every day, but he'd managed to avoid her phone calls. She didn't have anything to say that he wanted to hear.

  He stopped in front of Herman's Jewelers. Something drew him inside. Old man Herman stood behind the counter, cleaning the glass case.

  "Ah, Patrick, how nice to see you. What can I help you with? Something pretty for that special someone?"

  Patrick had no idea what he was doing, but the diamond tennis bracelets caught his eye. "Yeah, let me see that one." He pointed to a bracelet with a heart clasp."

  "Ah, very good choice, I'm sure Payton will love it." Herman took it out of the case and set it in front of him.

  Patrick blew out a breath and tapped his fingers on the counter. "It's not for Payton." He was damn sick of everyone pairing him with Payton. Time they learned different. "Do me a favor, spread the word. Payton and I are not getting back together. Not now, not ever."

  "I see." Herman took the bracelet and replaced it in the case.

  "Uh… excuse me. I want to buy that."

  Herman stared at him. "It's not for your wife?"

  "I don't have a wife. I'm divorced. Have been for almost five years. What the hell makes everyone in this town think Payton and I are getting back together? And why do they insist on calling her my wife?" Patrick raised his voice.

  Herman swallowed hard and took a step back. "I'm sorry. People are saying…" He took the bracelet out of the case and put it a red velvet box.

  "I'm sorry I raised my voice, Patrick said after he paid for the bracelet.

  Herman nodded and smiled.

  Patrick left. Somehow he had to squelch these rumors. They could only hurt Meghan's reputation. He'd already heard people say she was just like her mother. Hell, from what his mother told him, poor Meghan didn't stand a chance if that's what they thought. Funny how narrow-minded some people were. Meghan wasn't anything like her mother. Not in school and certainly not now. Hell, she didn't even want to spend the night at his house fully chaperoned. What the hell was wrong with these people?

  Much as he hated to see her again, Patrick drove to the nursing home. They had to have this out once and for all. Payton had to be behind these rumors.

  As usual, Payton sat surrounded by residents, the center of attention. Patrick walked up behind her, pulled her wheelchair away from the group and headed to her room.

  "Patrick, what are you doing?"

  The surprise in Payton's voice wasn't lost on him. Good, he had another surprise for her. Maybe he should have had it out with her right in front of everyone. Quickest way to squelch the rumors. But he continued to her room.

  "Patrick, what's going on?"

  Patrick stopped the wheelchair in the middle of her room, walked around it and looked down at her. She was beautiful, he'd give her that. "What the hell do you think you're doing, spreading rumors about us?"

  "I have no idea what you're talking about." Her demure attitude sickened him.

  "The hell you don't. You're telling people we're getting back together."

  "That is my dream."

  Patrick turned around in circles and paced the small room. She just didn't get it. "You can take your dream right back to New York or wherever the hell you came from. I'm warning you, Payton, you'd better straighten people out and darn quick, or I'm going to. And you're not going to like what I tell them."

  Payton's face turned ashen, her hands trembled, and for a minute Patrick thought she was going to pass out. But, she recovered quickly.

  "I'm not giving up on us, Patrick, I love you. I've changed. We were happy once, we can be again. If you just give me a chance. I'll prove it to you.

  "You had your chance four years ago. You blew it."

  "I'm not leaving. I'm staying here, and I'm fighting for you. For you and Olivia. We're a family."

  His stomach couldn't hurt anymore than if someone punched it. "There's nothing to fight for and leave Olivia out of it. You gave up custody of her."

  "I changed my mind. I have a right to see my daughter." Payton turned her wheelchair and hurried out of the room.

  Patrick stood staring after her. She was in for the fight of her life if she thought for even a minute he'd give her custody of Olivia. Damn it, legally, he probably couldn't stop visitation rights, but if at all possible they were going to be chaperoned. Hopefully, in a couple of weeks, once her ankle was healed, Payton would get bored again and leave. A knot in his stomach told him different. She had something up her sleeve.

  He stomped out of the room
and down the hall only to discover Payton lying next to her wheelchair, unconscious in front of the door to the courtyard. What the hell? He bent down next to her. Still breathing, thank goodness.

  Beatrice Lulu, an aide, raced down the hall in answer to his calls for help. "What happened?"

  "I don't know. I just found her." Patrick didn't like the way Beatrice looked at him. Crap, everyone saw him wheel Payton away from the group.

  "Call an ambulance and the sheriff," Beatrice yelled to another aide advancing on the scene. "You were with her. How can you not know what happened?"

  Patrick ran his fingers around his collar. Hell, Beatrice thought he had something to do with it. "I was. We were in her room talking, she got mad and left. I came out and found her." Why was he explaining to her? From the sounds of it, he'd have to explain it again to Pete.

  It wasn't long before the paramedics arrived, followed closely by Pete. They knelt down next to Payton. A few seconds later, she came to. "What happened? Where am I?"

  "We were hoping you could tell us," Pete said.

  Payton looked around. Her gaze landed on Patrick. "I don't know. I wanted to go outside. When I reached up to open the door, I got dizzy. That's the last thing I remember." Payton put her hands to her head. "I think I feel a bump."

  "We better take you to the hospital and check it out. Looks like you hit the edge of the door."

  Payton smiled up at him. "Will you come to the hospital with me, Patrick?"

  "Sorry, I have a date." Patrick let out a breath, turned and left. No doubt that'll be all over town before nightfall. Not that he cared. It was time everyone knew the truth.

  "Patrick, hold up," Pete said.

  Patrick stopped and waited for Pete. "Now what?"

  "What was all that about? I thought you two were getting back together."

  "You thought wrong."

  "It's Meghan, isn't it? I heard you guys got a thing going. Does that mean you and Payton are through?"

  "We've been through for four years, Pete. Did you forget? She divorced me."

  "Yeah, but I thought since she came back." Pete shrugged. "And she's been telling everyone you're getting back together. I mean, you know…"

  "No, I don't know. And I don't care what she's been telling people. It's not true."

  "So… uh… I mean…"

  "Spit it out, Pete."

  "You wouldn't mind if I asked her out?"

  Patrick laughed. "Actually, I'd be relieved. Go for it." He turned and hurried out to his car. He needed to get ready to meet Meghan.

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  Patrick put the bracelet in his dresser drawer. What was he thinking buying that? Meghan wouldn't accept it. It was too soon. Funny, he seldom did things on a whim, but when he saw the bracelet it screamed Meghan. He'd give it to her later. Once this crap with Payton settled down. He hurried downstairs.

  "Patrick, Mr. Duncan called. He wants you to call him back," Mildred said. "Something about seeing him in the morning, said it was an emergency."

  Patrick groaned. Nothing good could come of that. More than likely it had something to do with Payton or Meghan. Maybe both. "Thanks, Mildred. I'll call him in the morning." Patrick put Duncan out of his mind. He didn't have time for this now. Didn't want to think about it. He just wanted to see Meghan.

  Dinner with Meghan did little to take his mind off Payton and Mr. Duncan.

  "Penny for your thoughts." Meghan touched his hand and brought him back to the present.

  "Huh? Oh, sorry."

  "You've been someplace else since you picked me up. What's wrong, Patrick?"

  Patrick shrugged. He didn't want to tell her about Duncan's phone call. "I'm sorry. This thing with Payton is getting out of hand. I confronted her today, and she swears she's going after custody of Olivia."

  "Can she do that?" Meghan waved her hand. "I mean I know she can file for custody, I meant can she win?"

  "Good question. I wouldn't have thought so, but with all the rumors she's starting about me kicking her out and trying to get back together, it's hard to tell how the judge will rule. Payton can be pretty persuasive when she wants to."

  "Surely, the people in this town know the truth."

  "Not really. Mildred knows, but she's not a gossip. I just told people Payton left. I didn't go into detail."

  "They can't possibly believe you kicked her out."

  Patrick took a sip of beer, leaned back and looked at her. Damn, he wished her parents hadn't moved away. He'd never have gone after Payton. None of this would have happened. "Seems like everyone in town thinks so."

  "Maybe we should call it a night." Meghan set her napkin next to her plate.

  Patrick wanted to kick himself for not being more attentive, but he just couldn't help it. Payton's words kept ringing over and over in his mind. He'd die before he gave up custody of Olivia.

  He took Meghan home and gave her a quick kiss. "I'm sorry I'm not better company."

  Meghan smiled. "I understand. I'll see you tomorrow."

  Right, tomorrow. Tomorrow he had to see Duncan. What the hell did he want? Patrick hurried across the street. Nothing good could come of this.

  Chapter Thirty

  Meghan double locked the door. Patrick sure had been preoccupied. There was more to it than Payton, she'd bet her life on it. He was holding something back.

  Since it was still early, she decided to read more of the diary. She fixed some hot chocolate, changed into her pajamas and hurried upstairs. After a couple pages of boring stuff, she came to an entry that captured her attention.

  Steven's back. He promised he'd come back and now he has, but Ellen and John took Meghan and moved away when they heard about it. They made me promise not to tell Steven about Meghan. I know I promised, but doesn't he have a right to know? I don't understand why they had to move away. I'll miss my Megpie. I don't know when I'll get to see her again.

  Meghan lowered the book and sat back. She had forgotten Aunt Beth called her that. It had been so long since she'd seen her aunt. She had missed her so much in the beginning, especially after seeing her every day for seventeen years. But school activities soon took over her life and then her mother got sick. Meghan wiped a tear and continued reading.

  Ellen said after seventeen years, Steven doesn't have the right to know he has a child. She said it's best for Meghan and everybody if he doesn't know about her. I don't know if I agree, but I guess it doesn't matter. He hasn't even contacted me.

  So her parents moved because her father was back. Did he stay? Did he still live here? Her parents never came back. Not once, not even when her grandparents died. Meghan never could understand that. How do you not go to your own parents funerals? That meant one thing. Her father must still be here. Who was he? Would Aunt Clara tell her? Again, she picked up the book.

  I met Steven yesterday. I told him about Meghan. He was so mad. He told me he couldn't meet me anymore. He said he's married. He didn't come back for me like I thought. He only came back to settle a debt. I don't know what he meant by that. I don't care. He doesn't love me anymore. He said Pa paid him to leave and not come back. But he said if he had known about Meghan, he would have come back and married me. Now he said he's going to find her.

  I wouldn't tell him where Ellen was. I couldn't because I really didn't know. Ellen was right. I shouldn't have told. It's better for Meghan. She's seventeen now. Ellen and John are her parents. I hope Steven doesn't find her. He has two other kids. Ellen and John only have Meghan. How could I have been so wrong? If he finds Meghan what will she do? What will she think when she finds out I'm her mother? I wish I wouldn't have told Steven about her.

  So her father had searched for her. Obviously, he never found her. Maybe that's why her parents moved so often. But if her father didn't come back here, why didn't her parents? Meghan yawned. Right now she was too tired to read more. Wasn't even sure if she wanted to learn more, if there was anything else to learn that is.

  She crawled into bed, turned off the
lights and lay there, thinking. Thinking about Aunt Beth being her real mother, about her parents not telling her. Didn't they think she'd ever find out? The whole town knew. How did they expect to keep it from her for the rest of her life? But they had, and if she hadn't come back after Aunt Beth died and found the diary, she never would have known. Heck, if she hadn't kept reading even though it was boring, it would have remained a secret.

  Chapter Thirty-One

  Patrick sat down for breakfast and enjoyed the blissful quiet. Seldom did he enjoy eating alone, but today he relished it. The meeting with Duncan hung over him like a black cloud. With all the rumors flying around town about him and Payton and him and Meghan, there was no doubt what Duncan wanted to talk about.

  Everything was fine until Payton showed up. What was she trying to prove? No one in their right mind would be stupid enough to think he'd take her back, even Payton wasn't that dumb. It was only a matter of time before she'd take off again. Now that she lost the baby, her hormones would go back to normal, and she'd be looking for the fast paced life again. With a little luck, maybe she could get her job back and leave them alone. He stood, put his dish in the sink and grabbed his jacket. May as well get this over with. He'd be early, but Duncan appreciated that more than tardiness.

  * * *

  "Patrick, sit down my boy," Duncan stood when Patrick entered his office.

  "Robert." Patrick nodded and sat across from Duncan. "What's so important you had to drag me here on a Saturday?"

  "Always get right to the point. I always liked that about you." Duncan leaned back and swiveled in his chair. "Okay, I'm sure by now you've heard all the rumors."

  Patrick laughed. "I'd have to be deaf not to."

  "Yes, well…"Duncan cleared his throat. "You know as principal, you set an example for our young people."

  Patrick leaned back and crossed his arms. That didn't deserve a response.

  "Well, it's come to my attention your wife…"

  "Ex wife," Patrick interrupted. Damn if he'd allow anyone to call Payton his wife.