All In The Family Read online

Page 2

  Chief Landry nudged Callie. “I love when she gets like this. Watch and learn.” He went to stand next to her grandmother and glanced down at Officer Sander’s hands clenched in tight fists. “Answer the lady, Sanders.”

  “She’s crazy. She killed him, and she’s trying to pin it on me.” Officer Sanders crossed his arms over his chest and hid his hands beneath his elbows.

  “You were missing a button, too.” Jessica moved closer and pointed to his shirt just above his belt. “Right about there, if I recall.”

  “What the hell’s going on here?” Sanders slumped down on the desk.

  “I think Sanders killed Jake to stop him from showing me evidence against him. That’s why Jake wanted me to meet him in the alley. But Sanders got there before I did and killed him.”

  “You’re nuts.” Officer Sanders looked between the Chief and Callie. “You can’t possibly believe her.”

  Chief Landry leaned against the desk and rubbed his chin. “Well, now can’t say as I don’t believe her. The judge is pretty reliable. Got any other proof, Jess?”

  “Just that button and those bruises. My guess you look close enough you’ll find Jake’s blood on his uniform and a missing button. I noticed it just before he slapped the cuffs on me. It’ll match the button I gave you. Search his house. If he hasn’t taken it to the cleaners yet, I’m sure you’ll find it. You’ll probably find the other evidence, too. I’ll sign the warrant.”

  “What evidence? You’re insane.”

  “Jake’s niece was involved in drugs. I remember he said they sent her to a drug rehab. Jake was bound and determined to find the source for the drugs. Not the kid who sold them to her, but the one smuggling them into town. I think that was you.” Jess stood toe to toe with Sanders.

  Callie couldn’t wait to see what happened next.

  Jim grabbed Sanders, took his gun and badge and locked him in the cell. “Get me that warrant, Jess.”

  “Coming, Callie?” Chief Landry said. “If you’re taking over, you may as well start now.”

  Callie hugged her grandmother and followed Jim. “Wouldn’t miss it for the world, Chief. I’m right behind you. We’ll catch up later, Gram.”

  An hour later they came back, Sanders’s uniform in the chief’s hand.

  “You were right, Jess,” Chief Landry said. “There’s blood on it. Not a lot, but enough. We’ll send this over to the lab and have it tested. If it’s Jake’s blood we got him dead to right.”


  Judge Jessica Roberts stepped down from her bench. She didn’t like it, but she just recused herself from this case. Besides, the DA wanted to call her as a witness. Couldn’t very well do both. Only the luck of the draw that she drew the case anyway. Nothing would have made Callie’s grandmother happier than to pass sentence on dirty cops.

  It sure didn’t take Sanders long to talk once the DNA came back positive as being Jake’s blood. Chief Landry arrested him, and he sang like a canary. Besides him, three others were involved in a drug ring. How they got by with it in a town this small, Callie’d never know. Somehow they pulled it off for the better part of a year. Poor Jim was beside himself that something like that went on right under his nose, in his town. Course it involved others from a town 25 miles away, also. But the fact that one of his cops was involved just about killed him.

  “Come on.” Jess linked her arm through Chief Landry’s. “Let’s get some lunch before I have to testify.”

  “You know, Jess, if you hadn’t picked up that button and been so observant, we might not have known who killed Jake.”

  “Yeah, you’re right. Can’t believe Sanders thought he could arrest me and get away with it. Did he really think you’d believe him?”

  “Guess that’s where he made his second mistake.” Chief Landry squeezed Jessica’s arm and winked at Callie. “Good thing I’m retiring. Time this town got some young blood. You should be thinking about it, too, Jess. Time for us old folks to step down and make room for the younguns.”

  Callie couldn’t help but laugh. Her grandmother retire? That would be the day.

  Chapter 3

  Callie looked around her first crime scene in Symtheville. Typical vandalism – nothing special about it. According to Jim this park had been vandalized several times over the last couple months. But this time was different. This time they had a witness. Sergeant Billings nodded to the little girl standing next to Officer Peters.

  “That’s my witness?” Couldn’t be more than six or seven – what could a kid that age tell them? Still better than nothing.

  “Hi.” Callie knelt next to the child – eye to eye so to speak. “What’s your name?”


  “Berry, that’s pretty. What’s your full name?”

  “Huckleberry Kane.”

  “Huckleberry! How’d you get a name like that?” Callie darn near bit her tongue. One of these days she’d learn to think before she spoke. Although the kid didn’t seem to take offense.

  “My Grampaw named me.” Berry pulled on a strand of curly, red hair, lowered her freckled face, and kicked the dirt with her bare feet.

  Those had to be the prettiest, greenest eyes she’d ever seen. “Well, Berry, that sure is a pretty name. I understand you saw who spray painted the park and broke the swings. Did you know them?”

  Berry hooked her thumb through the strap on her bib overalls, kicked her bare feet in the dirt and shook her head.

  “Can you describe them to me?”

  Berry shrugged. Her tiny little shoulders brushed against her curls.

  “Okay then...” Callie stood. Kneeling wasn’t the most comfortable position, and Berry wasn’t much of a talker. Wonder what she’d do with a sketch artist. Names certainly weren’t forth coming. “Sergeant, where’s the child’s parents?”

  “Uh, um, her parents are dead, Chief, her grandfather has custody. He hasn’t arrived yet. We sent someone for him about twenty minutes ago.”

  “Twenty minutes, where do they live?”

  “Just a few houses down, according to the kid.”

  “Go see what’s taking so long. I want to take Berry to the station, let her look at some pictures, maybe sit her down with a sketch artist.”

  “Chief Johnson!” Peters raced across the park and stopped just short of knocking into Berry. “Chief can I see you alone a minute?”

  Callie followed him a short distance away from Berry. “Okay, Peters, what’s going on?”

  “Her grandfather, he’s...uh...” The officer looked at Berry and lowered his voice. “They found him unconscious on the kitchen floor. They called for an ambulance. They just took him to the hospital.”

  Great, just what she needed another complication. She blew the hair out of her eyes. “Does she have any other relatives?”

  “I don’t know, I was going to check with the neighbors. No one around here talks much. It’s like pulling teeth trying to get information.”

  “So I’ve noticed.” Callie went back to Berry and knelt down next to her again. What a rotten thing to happen, poor kid. “Berry, do you have any aunts or uncles?”

  “Uncle William.”

  “Okay, good. Where is Uncle William?”

  “At work.”

  Callie let out a chuckle. Of course he’s at work, what was she thinking? “Do you know where he works?”

  “At the flour mill.”

  “Officer, contact the flour mill, see if you can find William Kane. Let him know what’s going on. I’m taking Berry to the hospital. Tell him we’ll meet him there.”

  Callie stood and took Berry’s hand. Better stop off and get the kid some shoes. “Okay, Berry, where do you live?”

  “Right over there.”

  “Good, let’s get your shoes, and then we’re going for a ride. Your grandpa said it was okay.”

  “Why is Grampaw in the hospital?”

  Smart kid. Now what? Be honest, sure she’s only a kid, but she deserved the truth. So much for trying to keep it secret.
“Your grandfather got sick and the ambulance took him to the hospital. I’m going to take you there now, and we’ll meet your uncle. Okay?”

  Berry pulled her hand out of Callie’s and raced toward the house.

  Callie hurried to catch up and followed Berry into a small bungalow and looked around. Neat and tidy, but lived in. She couldn’t contain her curiosity and looked around the small living room. Furniture looked old but in good condition. Small TV in the corner. Nothing fancy here. A fairly new rag doll sat on an old rocker. Probably Berry’s. She smiled. Didn’t look like Berry played with it much. If she had to venture a guess, she’d bet Berry was a bit of a tom-boy. Not that there was anything wrong with that. Heck, she’d been a tom-boy herself. Still was if push came to shove. The kitchen had been cleaned, but the delicious aroma of breakfast still filled the room. Bacon and eggs. Her stomach growled. Half a bagel wasn’t much of a breakfast.

  Berry came back with her shoes and put them on. “Okay, I’m ready.”

  “So Berry, how old are you?” Callie asked on the way to the hospital.


  “Do you go to school?”


  “What grade are you in?” She’d never found it so difficult talking to a child before.

  “First. Is Grampaw going to be okay?”

  Callie glanced at the little girl, sitting on the seat next to her. Poor kid must be worried sick about her grandfather. “I’m sure he’s going to be fine.” What else could she say? She had no idea what was wrong with the man. Hopefully, it was nothing serious. She pulled into the parking lot at Park General Hospital and helped Berry out of the car.

  “Grampaw isn’t going to die is he? Like Momma and Daddy did?”

  Fortunately, Callie was spared having to answer. The doctor reassured her and Berry that Grampaw was going to be just fine. “You’ll be allowed to see him in just a few minutes.”

  Berry and Callie went into the waiting room and sat down when a tall, muscular man caused a disturbance at the information desk. She jerked upright to see what was going on.

  “My niece!” the man shouted.

  “Uncle William!” Berry jumped up, raced to the man, and flung herself into his arms, and clung to him.

  Callie hurried to join them. “Mr. Kane, I’m Chief Johnson. Berry witnessed some vandalism at the park. I was hoping you’d allow her to come down to the station and look at some pictures and maybe talk with a sketch artist.”

  William Kane threw Callie a look so murderous; she thought she’d been stabbed. His brown eyes glared into hers.

  “No! She can’t come down to the station. What do you mean taking a six year old child in for questioning?”

  “Mr. Kane, she’s our only witness. And I haven’t taken her anyplace for questioning. I brought her here to see her grandfather, who, thank God, is going to be fine, by the way.” Damn it! Callie turned away and bit her tongue before she said anything else to anger this man. She needed his permission – unless Grampaw gave his, and under the circumstances, Callie figured William Kane would fight it.

  She turned back to face him. Good looking in a boy next door sort of way. His blond crew cut suited him. “Look, Mr. Kane, we seem to have gotten off on the wrong foot here. I know you’re worried about Berry and your father, and believe me – I only have her best interest at heart. But she is a witness, and I think she can identify the boys who did this.”

  William took a deep breath and redness deepened his cheeks. “I’m sorry, ma’am. You’re right I was worried about Berry and my dad, but that was no reason to attack you that way.” He wiped his hand on his pants and extended it toward her.

  She shook his hand. His smile extended all the way into his eyes and wrinkled his nose in a funny sort of way. Cute! “Good then you won’t object and will bring Berry down to the station to look at some pictures? This is the third time this summer that park’s been vandalized. I really want to get these kids.”

  “I’ll bring her down, but only if you’ll agree to have dinner with us. My way of apologizing”

  Berry hugged William’s neck. “We get to eat out, yippee!” She loosened her hold on him, slid down out of his arms, and skipped over to Callie. “Say you’ll come, Miss Callie, please say you’ll come.”

  Callie laughed. “Well, with an invitation like that how can I refuse?”

  “Excuse me,” the nurse said. “You can see Mr. Kane now.”

  William took Berry’s hand. “We’ll see you later.”

  “Okay.” Berry skipped next to her uncle. Something about that man fascinated Callie. She couldn’t remember being so attracted to anyone before. No time for that nonsense. Back to work. Whoever vandalized the park was still out there. Hopefully, with Berry’s help, they’d catch them this time.

  Later, she sat at her desk going over the case file on the vandalism. Not much in the way of evidence. Berry was the only witness, and if she couldn’t identify the perps, then the crime would go unsolved. As if her mind conjured the child up, Berry appeared in the doorway, William Kane stood behind her.

  “I brought Berry down like you asked. Not sure how much help she’ll be,” William said.

  “How’s your father?”

  “He’s good. He’s diabetic and his sugar dropped. It’s under control now, but they kept him for observation.”


  Berry came around to Callie’s side of the desk. “Are you really going to eat with us?”

  Callie shook my head. “Yep. I promised.”

  “Okay, let’s go.” Berry grabbed her hand and tried to pull her out of the chair.

  “Whoa, hold on a minute. First we have to talk.” Callie slid a chair next to hers. “You can sit there.”

  “But I don’t want to sit. I’m hungry. I want to eat.” Berry went to stand next to William.

  This wasn’t going to be as easy as she thought. “I promise as soon as we’re done talking, we’ll go eat.” She looked at William, hoping he’d help her out.

  “Come on, Berry.” William took Berry’s hand and led her to the chair. “Tell Chief Johnson what she wants to know.”

  Berry sat in the chair and crossed her arms. Her bottom lip stuck out in a pout. Callie almost laughed at the sight. Cute little thing even when she was being stubborn. “Okay, Berry. Tell me what you saw on the playground.”

  Berry tightened her arms over her chest and looked down.

  “Berry,” William said in a warning voice.

  “But then you promise we’ll go eat?”

  “I said we would.” Callie reached out and touched her hand. “So who did you see in the playground?”

  “I saw those Benson brothers. They didn’t see me though. If they had they probably would have hurt me or something. They’re bad boys, Miss Callie.”

  “Where were you that they didn’t see you?”

  “I was just coming to the park. I was in the woods behind the trees. That’s how come they didn’t see me.”

  “What did you see?” Callie took notes while Berry talked.

  “They had spray paint, and one of them painted all over the sliding board and fences. All over the picnic tables too. Mean boys they are, Miss Callie, and I was scared. I couldn’t hardly breathe ’cause I was afraid they’d see me.”

  She could picture the little girl hiding in the group of trees next to the park. Poor thing. “What did the other boys do?”

  “Billy had some kind of big scissors or something. He cut all the chains on the swings. They was laughing about it. And Johnny, he had some kind of big hammer thing, and he smashed the see-saw and merry go round ’til the seats broke. They threw the stuff all over. I almost peed my pants watching them. I couldn’t wait for them to leave.” Berry squirmed in the chair. “When they heard the sirens they ran off. Can we go now?”

  William stooped down next to Berry, picked her up and held her. “Do you have everything you need now?”

  Callie made one final note. “That’s all I needed. Will you let h
er testify in court if we need her?”

  “That wasn’t part of the deal. She’s been through enough.”

  “Look, Mr. Kane I know how difficult this is for her, but she’s our only witness. There’s a pretty good chance she won’t have to. Usually in these cases the prosecutor offers a plea. They’re juveniles so that makes a difference too.”

  Berry squirmed out of William’s arms and came to stand beside me. “You said I only had to tell you what happened, and then we could go eat. You promised.”

  Callie couldn’t help but laugh. “And we’re going to in about two seconds. I’ll be right back.” She had to send someone to pick up the Benson brothers. What possessed kids to destroy property? What kind of fun did they get out of it?

  After she sent Peters to pick up the Benson boys, she went back to the office. William sat in the chair next to Berry. Callie stopped at the door and looked at him for a minute. Would he change his mind about Berry testifying if they needed her? She hoped they wouldn’t. Surely the DA would offer a plea agreement. They were just kids after all. Heck the oldest couldn’t be more than twelve or thirteen. Right now, she wanted to go to dinner and enjoy herself. She needed a break.

  “Okay, ready?”

  Berry jumped off the chair, came to stand next to her, and slid her hand into Callie’s. The action surprised her, but she liked it. She could get used to this little girl real quick. Not to mention Uncle William.


  Callie’s cell phone rang just as they finished dinner. She looked at the number. “Sorry, I have to take this.” She flipped open the cell phone. “Johnson. What’s up?”

  Damn, not now. Looked like it was going to be a long night. Figures, just when she started enjoying herself.

  “Be there in five.” Callie couldn’t remember when she had enjoyed an evening so much. Since coming back to Symtheville, she didn’t socialize much. Not because she didn’t want to. Unpacking took a good deal of her time, but mostly because of the job. Working twelve to fifteen hours a day wasn’t the best job for a single woman. But she enjoyed her work, and wasn’t looking for a relationship. If it happened, it happened. “I’m sorry I have to go. I had a great time. Thanks for dinner.” She stood and gathered her purse, half hoping William would suggest meeting again.