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Designed for Love Page 5

  Chapter Ten

  Refreshed from my shower, I decided to let my hair dry naturally in curls and only blew dry the excess moisture out of it. Thankfully, the hotel supplied a blow dryer. I hadn't thought of that at the store. I made a mental note to pick up a flat iron. The curly look was okay for casual but not business. I put on a pair of shorts and a lightweight blouse, and slipped my feet into the sandals then looked in the mirror. Not bad, if I did say so myself.

  Okay, let's get this show on the road. My stomach growled, reminding me how hungry I was. I picked up my purse, put the hotel key inside and grabbed my car keys. One last look in the mirror, a quick, finger comb through my hair and I left the room.

  No sooner had I closed the door when a movement next door caught my eye. I knew without looking it was Bill. How could I not know? Even without looking at him goose bumps broke out on my arms, and my stomach tightened in knots, the way it did every time I saw him. Could my senses be so keyed into him? Apparently so, because when I turned to look– sure enough he stood there grinning like a Cheshire cat. This was beginning to freak me out.

  "Well is this my lucky day or what? What are the chances we'd have rooms next to each other? It's almost too good to be true." Bill closed his door and came toward me. "Should I pinch myself to see if I'm awake?" He stopped next to me.

  "What's wrong? You don't look too happy to see me. Now I can wine and dine you properly. Show you how to have fun."

  Conceited oaf. "I already told you, I'm not here for fun. And I don't need to be wined and dined. Thank you very much."

  "Come on, Wendy, loosen up. All work and no play made Jack a dull boy, and honey, you look even less like a boy today." He chuckled. "Very far from it. In fact, in those shorts you look sexy as hell. Almost good enough to eat."

  The grin that spread over his face told me he'd do just that if I'd let him. "Funny. Are we going to lunch or what?" I stared at him. Or was glared the better word? I swore he looked like he was about to burst out laughing. Glad he thought it was funny.

  "Okay, neighbor. Lunch it is." Bill took my arm and led me toward the car. "What are the chances we'd be next door neighbors?"

  "I never would have bet on it." Bet on it, in a million years, I wouldn't have believed it. Heat rose to my face at the way Bill was looking at me, taking me in. Obviously, he liked the look.

  He reached up and flipped a curl. "I like the way the curls frame your face and hang down your back in ringlets."

  Even that slight touch sent waves of heat through me. What I'd give to for him to run his fingers through those curls. Lord, I needed to control myself. "So are you ready for lunch?" That was brilliant. Obviously we were ready, we were standing here, weren't we?

  "You don't mind if I drive, do you?" Bill turned toward his car, and I followed.

  For the first time in my life, I found myself totally speechless. How the hell could he have gotten a room next to mine? What was going on here? I was beginning to feel like I was being stalked.

  But he checked in first. God, I hoped he didn't think I asked for that room. I wished I could get out of lunch, out of this hotel. Away from him. Far, far away. I'd better settle my hormones down real quick, or I was going to be in trouble.

  Big trouble.

  My face burned, all the way from my neck to my head. I hated blushing every time I saw him.

  I suddenly felt awkward. I hadn't missed the way he looked me over and obviously approved. Heck, he certainly didn't make a secret of it with those comments. The look in his soft gray eyes went from appreciation to desire in a matter of seconds. Never had a man looked at me that way. Well, none that I ever noticed anyway. I'd never reacted like this to anyone before. Even as a child, I'd never been shy. In fact my mother used to yell at me for being too friendly.

  Bill stopped next to his car. A sleek, red Ford Mustang convertible. Very impressive. Sure, it was just a rental car but it suited him.

  I got in and buckled my seat belt, glad the top was up. I could just picture my hair if it was down once the wind got a hold of it. It'd be a wild, tangled mess in no time. I'd look like a mop head.

  I leaned back against the seat. May as well relax and enjoy the lunch. The warm, sunny weather helped. I remembered my poor friends freezing in Ohio and smiled. Not that I minded the snow, or the cold for that matter. If I had my druthers I'd just as soon be back there than sitting next to Bill.

  Or would I?

  I moved my head just enough to catch him out of the corner of my eye. Damned sexy, that's for sure. He buckled his seat belt and turned to look at me. For some unknown reason, he reached his hand out and brushed it across my cheek. Something pierced my body like a bolt of lightning. My insides felt like someone lit a fire and the heat rose to my face.

  "A smudge." Bill said.

  But the look in his eyes told me he noticed the affect he had on me and my face burned even hotter. I knew without looking, it was bright red. I had always blushed easy, ever since I was a child. I wondered if there was a way to control it. If there was, nothing I'd ever tried stopped it. I turned away to try to hide it.

  "You're pretty when you blush," Bill said. "Almost as pretty when you're angry."

  I knew my cheeks turned crimson. The heat they emitted could probably cook an egg. I ignored Bill's comment. Answering it would only intensify the blush. I'd found from experience it was better to ignore comments about my blushing.

  Now my anger on the other hand...well that was a different story. Yet, I figured it was better to ignore that comment too. Pretty– he thought I was pretty. No man had ever told me that before.

  Maybe because I'd never gave a man a chance. So, why now? Why was I letting Bill break through the wall that I never allowed anyone else near? I didn't have an answer. Maybe because he was different? Maybe because I enjoyed his company? Maybe because he was unlike any man I'd ever met before? He seemed genuine. He listened when I talked. He didn't act like he couldn't wait to get into my pants.

  Oh, sure, I'd seen the desire in his eyes, but he hadn't acted on it like other men. He didn't have his hands all over me, hadn't even tried to kiss me. Heck, he hardly touched me. Okay, a few times. But not like other men touched me. He was considerate.

  "Here we are." Bill's voice broke into my thoughts and I looked up to see we were in front of Hurricane Harry's. Bill eased the car into a parking space and put it in park. "Hope you like it."

  I took in the restaurant. "It looks like a Tiki Hut. Hopefully the food's as good as the décor."

  Bill was out of the car and opened my door before I had a chance to unbuckle my seat belt. Attentive and a gentleman– can't say I wasn't impressed.

  "Have you eaten here before?" I slid out of the car and caught his appreciative look at my legs.

  "Huh? Oh, yeah, a few times over the years."

  Tingles of excitement shot through me when Bill put his hand on my back and guided me into the restaurant.

  "Would you like to eat inside or out?"

  I looked around. What a neat atmosphere. "What do you prefer?"

  "I like outside. I enjoy the water and watching the boats."

  "Then outside it is." I liked the idea too. I loved the water. "Besides, why sit inside on a beautiful day like today?"

  I followed the waiter to the table, conscious of Bill's eyes on me from behind. Suddenly, I felt self-conscious. I glanced back at him and noticed the look of approval on his face. So, he liked what he saw. A flicker of excitement surged through me. I shouldn't be having these feelings. I had to get through lunch and hopefully make a quick exit. Too bad I hadn't brought my own car. The thought of riding home with him didn't excite me. Well, it did, but not in the right way. I didn't like these feelings.

  The waiter pulled out my chair, and I sat. I stared out at the river and the boats. Boats, ha, yachts were more like it. I couldn't imagine being able to afford a canoe let alone one of these. But who knew, maybe someday. Boating, swimming, and water skiing were a few of the outdoor activities I
enjoyed. Summer sports. Well, excluding hiking and camping, that is. No rustic activities for me.

  "So tell me about your family." I turned back to Bill and picked up the menu.

  "What do you want to know?"

  "Everything. Brothers, sisters? Nieces, nephews?"

  Bill laughed. "Okay, you asked for it. I have three brothers and a sister. All married and none of them can understand why I haven't taken the plunge."

  I liked the sound of his voice. Liked the way he leaned back in that easy manner that looked so relaxed and self-confident.

  "I have five nieces and seven nephews aging between fifteen and six months. My parents live in Middleburg Heights and needless to say family get-togethers are quite an event."

  The pride in his voice did something to me. I'd never met a man like him before. Most of the men I dated only thought of one thing. None of them liked talking about personal things. Bill seemed to enjoy it.

  "So why haven't you?" I couldn't resist asking. I wanted to know if he had any attachments.

  "Why haven't I what?"

  The puzzled look on his face made me laugh. "Why haven't you taken the plunge?"

  For the first time since I met him, he looked uncomfortable. I leaned forward and put my elbows on the table, resting my chin in my hands. I wasn't sure if I wanted to hear his answer, yet every sense of my being couldn't wait. Had someone hurt him? Left him at the altar? Something caused his discomfort. Or was it that he was a confirmed bachelor and had no desire to marry? Whatever it was, he didn't seem to want to answer.

  I watched his face go from discomfort to amusement in a matter of seconds. Seconds that felt like minutes.

  "Truth be told, I guess I never found anyone to put up with me."

  "Oh?" From what I knew of him, I wasn't sure what there was to put up with. Not only was he attractive, he seemed attentive, gentlemanly, and just downright considerate. Okay, he did have an annoying habit of showing up everywhere I happened to be, but that had to be coincidence.

  "Oh, what?" He picked up his menu and studied it. Obviously, avoiding my eyes.

  "What's to put up with? I mean you're not an alcoholic or anything like that, are you? You seem like a pretty nice guy."

  Bill straightened up and leaned forward. "I'm opinionated, egotistical, and downright unbearable to be around." He whispered.

  I burst out laughing. "Well, I can't attest to the first two, but I don't find you unbearable." In fact I found him way too bearable. I'd never enjoyed being around anyone as much as I enjoyed him.

  He rubbed his hands together and grinned. "Ah, but my dear, you haven't really been around me that much." He leaned back and looked at me as if a thought just hit him. "How about we spend the day together tomorrow and you can find out first hand?"

  Oh, crap, now I did it. I hadn't meant to look like I was interested. Still, the idea appealed to me. "I'm sorry. Work." I wasn't lying, I did have to work.

  "After work?" He reached over and flipped a curl. "Come on, even you have to play sometimes."

  I leaned back out of his reach. His touch awakened something in me that I hadn't realized had been sleeping. Sleeping, hell, I hadn't realized it had been there at all. He aroused feelings I never knew existed. Sure, I'd been attracted to a few men in the past. But never in my wildest imagination, had I been this physically attracted. This captivated. I shrugged. "We'll see."

  Dare I take the plunge? Let my hair down, so to speak? Part of me wanted to. A big part of me.

  Somehow, I got through lunch without the subject coming up again. Bill either accepted my answer or was giving me the time I needed, or maybe he lost interest. I wasn't sure, but I was darn grateful that he hadn't pushed me.

  We arrived back at the hotel, and I jumped out of the car before he had it in park. I saw the look of disappointment cross his face. I couldn't help it. Right now I needed to put some space between us. Lots of space. These feelings were too new to me, and I wasn't anywhere ready for them.

  Bill caught up with me just before I put the key card in the door. "Hey, did I say or do something to offend you?"

  Heat rushed to me face, and I turned to face him. "Look, I had a nice time, but I have work to do. I'm sorry. No, you didn't say or do anything." Anything but stir up feelings that I didn't want stirred up. I needed to sort things out. "I have to get ready for dinner with my boss, and I need to go over some notes. Thanks for a great lunch." I held my hand out to him.

  Take it or leave it, buddy, that's all you're getting. Bill licked his lips and smiled. He took my hand and raised it to his lips. "I had a great time too. Until tomorrow."

  He touched his mouth to my hand and lingered a minute. Long enough for heat to radiate from his lips and surge up my arm and through my body. I trembled and pulled my hand away. Taking a step backwards, I turned back to my room. I didn't trust myself to speak. I knew my voice would sound quivery like my knees felt. I pushed open the door and went inside, closing it quickly behind me. I didn't dare look at him. The irresistible urge to pull him to me and feel his lips on my mouth overwhelmed me.

  I leaned against the door and put my hand to my lips. It still burned from his kiss. Things were happening way too fast. Things I didn't intend to happen at all. Why couldn't I ignore him the way I had all the others?

  * * *

  Bill stood outside Wendy's room for a minute. Now what had he done? He couldn't quite figure her out. All through lunch, she joked and laughed with him. Actually acted like she enjoyed herself. He shook his head. He'd say one thing for sure, she confused him. He took his key from his pocket and opened his door. He'd never met anyone quite like her. If he had any brains, he'd steer clear of her.

  Chapter Eleven

  I waited inside the doorway until I felt sure Bill had gone inside. I needed to find a store to buy a flat iron and a few other things I still needed. I opened the door and peeked out. Good, he was nowhere in sight. I grabbed my purse and car keys, slid the room key into my purse and hurried out to my car.

  No more had I closed the car door, I saw Bill come out of his room. Great! I needed to get out of here. I needed some space, room to breathe, time to think. Although, I didn't really want to think right now. What I wanted was to forget Bill even existed. Yeah, like that was going to happen. Not in this lifetime. Still, I could at least put him out of my mind for the time being.

  I pulled out of the parking lot and turned onto Route 41. I needed a discount store or any other store that sold flat irons and makeup. Even a drug store would do. The next intersection provided exactly what I was looking for. I turned into the parking lot and found a close spot. Talk about lucky. A car backed out of a spot near the door. I flipped on my blinker and waited while they pulled away, then turned into the spot.

  With a quick glance at my watch, I hurried into the store, smiled at the greeter and grabbed a cart. Looking up at the signs, I headed to the back of the store toward the health and beauty products.

  After picking out what I needed, I glanced at my watch. Good, I still had time to get ready for dinner.

  I wondered what room Nick was in. Not that I really cared. I just hoped he wasn't too close. That's all I needed. Having Bill next door was bad enough. I paid for my purchases and headed back to my car.

  Back in my room, I decided on the white Capri pants for dinner with the blue blouse. I looked in the mirror and smoothed my hair. As good as it was going to get and not a moment too soon. Someone knocked on the door. I grabbed my purse and room key and hurried out. No point letting Nick in.

  I opened the door and a very tanned, very handsome, Nicholas Donatello stood in front of me. His light brown shirt set off his golden brown eyes. His usual wavy black hair was now cut in a crew cut. The look suited him.

  He looked me up and down and let out a low whistle. "You know, I think this is the first time I've seen you in anything besides a dress or a skirt."

  Heat crept up my neck. Why hadn't I thought to wear a skirt? The look was too casual for dinner with my b
oss. I hoped he didn't get the wrong idea. To make matters worse, I couldn't think of an intelligent thing to say.

  "Shall we go, I'm starved." Now that was a downright lie. After that late lunch, I no more felt like eating than I felt like hiking.

  Nick moved aside and let me walk in front of him. He put his hand on my back and led me toward his car. A sleek white Corvette. Why didn't that surprise me? Of course, he'd have a sports car. Not crazy about his hand on my back, I tried to move away tactfully. "Nice car." I stepped back as if to check it out.

  "It's okay."

  Okay, what was he, nuts? Of course, he drove a BMW M6 convertible at home. Had to cost over a hundred grand. No way a corvette could compete. I almost laughed out loud. Compared to my little Saturn it was like yachts and rowboats.

  I slid into the seat, glad now I wore the Capri pants. I didn't care much for the way Nick looked at me– like he wanted to devour me. Something didn't feel right. This didn't feel like a business dinner. "Is Mrs. Gilmore going to meet us at the restaurant?"

  Nick opened the car door and got into the driver's side. "No, she isn't."

  I didn't like it. Nope, not even a little. "So what's going on? I thought the living room was all set. I already ordered the fabric for the drapes and chairs. What kind of changes does she want now?"

  Mrs. Gilmore had the reputation for changing her mind. I remembered the last room I designed for her, the master bedroom. Gladys Gilmore changed her mind about the drapes and bedding three times before she made a final decision. Hell, she changed her mind four times on the living room already.

  "We'll discuss that with her tomorrow. Can't you forget about work for one night?"

  Uh oh, I didn't like the sound of this. "I thought that's what you wanted to discuss."

  "Tonight I just want to relax and enjoy your company." Nick reached over and touched my arm.

  I stiffened under his touch. Nothing at all like Bill's. "I'd really like to know what's going on with Mrs. Gilmore." Bring it back to business. I didn't want him to get the wrong idea. Besides he was my boss, and I never mixed business with pleasure.