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Secrets, Lies & Love Page 6

  "I'll let you know if it can be cleaned." Harry looked at his watch. "I better get going if I want to get those windows in before dinner."

  "Okay, I'll see you later." Meghan turned her attention back to the cleaning supplies. She grabbed a bottle of glass cleaner and moved down the aisle toward the brooms and mops. She picked up a corn broom, couldn't beat it in her opinion, and decided on a good mop. That should do for starters.

  After paying for her purchases, she loaded them into her car, and decided to stop at Rich's Meat Market for some lunchmeat. The aroma of fresh smoked garlic sausage and bacon greeted her when she pushed the door open. It was just as she remembered. How many times had she come here with her grandmother? Sometimes Aunt Beth brought her. Mr. Gardner always gave her a slice of bologna, beef stick or a hunk of cheese, cheddar was her favorite, but the Swiss was good too.

  "Meghan Shelby! I heard you were back in town." Rich Gardner's booming voice carried across the store. "What can I do for you, young lady?"

  "Hi, Mr. Gardner, I'd like a half pound of Leona bologna and half pound of brick cheese." Meghan looked in the deli cases. "Give me a half pound of cheddar, too."

  "Coming right up." Mr. Gardner grabbed the bologna out of the case and set it on the meat slicer. "Thin like your aunt liked it?"

  "Thin is good. I'll take a container of potato salad, too."

  "So I hear Harry Butler is doing some work at the old Rowlings' place."

  "Yeah, I hired him to do the repairs. Stuff I can't do myself. You wouldn't happen to know of a good carpet cleaner, would you?"

  Mr. Gardner put the bologna back in the case and grabbed the cheese. "There's a good one over in Bluffton. Actually takes the carpets out and cleans them at his shop. Dries them on his roof. Then he brings them back and installs them. Can't recall the name just now."

  "Thanks, these are area rugs so won't need much installation."

  "Oh, yeah, the blood stains. Well, if anyone can get them clean, Rudy can." Mr. Gardner snapped his fingers. "That's it! Rudy's Carpet Cleaners. Advertisement says if he can't clean them, no one can." He slid the cheese toward her and took a container of potato salad out of the case.

  "Anything else I can do for you?"

  "No, I think that's it."

  "Total is $8.25."

  "Thanks, Mr. Gardner." Meghan handed him the exact change from her purse, took the package from the counter, and left. If Mac didn't bring dinner like he promised, she'd at least have something to eat. Otherwise, she had lunch for tomorrow.

  The aroma of cinnamon mixed with yeast dough and apples hit Meghan the minute she opened the door of Miller's Bakery. Already, her mouth watered, and her stomach growled. Debating between apple pie, cinnamon rolls and doughnuts, she bought six doughnuts, a loaf of bread, and three cinnamon rolls and headed to her house. Mrs. Miller hadn't changed a bit. Well, maybe she put on a few pounds, but her blond hair was still pulled back into a bun, just like it had been ten years ago. She still wore the same style faded, floral house dress. In fact, Meghan wondered if it was the same one.

  * * *

  Harry already had the windows installed when she pulled into the drive. She parked her car in front of the garage and opened the trunk.

  "Here, let me help you with that." Harry took the broom, mop, pail, and bag from her, relieving her of her balancing act.

  "Thanks, I didn't want to make two trips." Meghan inserted the key into the lock. "Would you like a cup of coffee? I'm sure Aunt Beth has some in here someplace."

  "No, I have to run. I'm sure the wife has dinner ready." Harry set the mops and broom in the corner. "I'll be back tomorrow to take some measurements and work up an estimate for you." He looked around the kitchen and shook his head. "You have your work cut out for you. Are you sure you can handle it?"

  "The cleaning part isn't a problem. The painting, I figured I'd hire high school boys from the shop class." Meghan sighed. "The rest, I'm counting on you. Oh, Mr. Gardner said Rudy's Carpet Cleaner in Bluffton might be able to clean the rug."

  "Okay, I'll drop them off if you want. I'm going to Bluffton tomorrow for some supplies."

  "I'd appreciate that. Thanks, Harry."

  Harry shook his head. "Still a lot of work. I don't envy you. Good luck. Is noon tomorrow okay?"

  "Sounds good, Harry."

  Meghan stored her purchases, rolled up her sleeves, and looked around the kitchen. No point wasting time. The work wasn't going to get done by itself. Harry wasn't kidding. She had her work cut out for her. After filling the bucket with hot water, she added some bleach and pine cleaner, pulled on her gloves and grabbed a sponge. She looked around the room, not sure where to start. The stove looked the worst so she took the grates off the burners and set them in the sink, ran some hot water, and let them soak. "I wonder if the dishwasher works."

  She opened it and gagged at the smell of dirty glasses and dishes. Thankfully, there was dishwasher soap under the sink and vinegar in the cupboard. Soap alone wasn't going to get rid of the smell. She hit the button for its longest cycle.

  "Here goes nothing." Meghan pushed the button and it started immediately. "Now, if it just does the job." The thought of washing all those dishes didn't enthuse her. Turning her attention back to the stove, she wondered how long since Aunt Beth had cleaned it. Fortunately, it had a self cleaning oven. Although she was half afraid to open it. To her surprise, it didn't look half bad.

  Chapter Nine

  "Daddy!" Olivia raced to meet Patrick at the door and jumped in his arms.

  He caught her, swooped her up, kissed her and swung her around the way he did every day. "How's my little munchkin today?"

  "Guess what I did today, Daddy?"

  "Hmm, let see." Patrick put his finger to his chin and pretended to look thoughtful. "I know, you went to the moon."

  Olivia giggled. "No, silly. Guess again."

  Patrick tapped his chin. "You went shopping with Mrs. Tupper?"

  Olivia shook her head. "One more guess."

  "You built a sand castle."

  "Nope." Olivia shook her head.

  "Okay, I give. What did you do today?"

  "I went to pre-school, and I got to meet my teacher. Her name is Miss Edwards."

  "That's great! What did you say to Miss Edwards?" Patrick let Olivia slide down.

  "I told her you were principal at Littleton Elementary and that next year I get to go there for kindergarten."

  "I see, and what did Miss Edwards say?"

  "She said she knew you. Do you know Miss Edwards, Daddy?"

  "Yes, I do actually. We went to school together."

  "Do you like her?"

  Patrick laughed. "Yes, she's a very nice lady."

  "Did you ever kiss her?"

  "Kiss her. No, whatever gave you that idea?"

  "Guess what else I did today?"

  "Played with Lily and Jill."

  "Well, I did that too, but nope."

  "Okay, I give."

  "I went shopping with Grammy for school clothes. Do you want to see what we bought?"

  "After dinner, okay? I have a surprise for you."

  Olivia jumped up and down and clapped her hands. "What is it?"

  "If I told you it wouldn't be a surprise. Let's go see what Mrs. Tupper made for dinner."

  "She made mac 'n' cheese." Olivia followed Patrick into the kitchen and climbed on a stool.

  "Hi, Mildred. How would you like the evening off?"

  Mildred took the casserole out of the oven. "I'd love it."

  "Good, Olivia and I can serve ourselves and clean up."

  "Daddy has a surprise for me," Olivia said.

  "A surprise, that's wonderful. I love surprises." Mildred took off her apron and hung it on the hook next to the door.

  "But he won't tell me what it is."

  "Well, if he told you then it wouldn't be a surprise, would it?"

  "That's what he said." Olivia scrambled off the stool, ran to the living room and turned her attention to the c
artoon on TV.

  Mildred took her purse from the cupboard, smoothed her hair back from her face in the mirror. "I won't be late."

  "Take all the time you want. In fact, if you don't want to come back until morning, that's fine too."

  "I might just do that. My daughter and her husband might like an unexpected evening out. Thank you, Patrick."

  "Enjoy." Patrick went to the refrigerator and took out a couple of sodas and a bottle of wine. He set it on the counter and opened the pantry to find the picnic basket.

  "Looks like my daughter isn't the only one going to have a special evening," Mildred said. "I'll see you in the morning."

  "Actually, we're going to welcome our new neighbor."

  Mildred stopped and turned back to Patrick. "Oh, your new secretary, Meghan Shelby. Yes, I've heard she's planning on moving in soon."

  Patrick laughed. "News travels fast in this town."

  "Too fast. You be careful, Patrick. Tongues are already wagging."

  Patrick froze. "Wagging about what?"

  "A dinner with her among other thing."

  "What other things?" Patrick gripped the counter. Much as he loved this small town, the gossipmongers left a lot to be desired. No wonder Hilda Richardson approached him.

  "Don't think it went unnoticed that you kissed her. Pete blabbed that one. And there's a lot of talk about Meghan's mother again. That dead body showing up in her living room certainly didn't help quiet the tongues."

  "Problem with people in this town, they don't know how to mind their own business. Meghan doesn't have anything to do with what her mother did or didn't do before she was born. Bunch of busybodies, that's all."

  "I agree. I just wanted you to be aware. You have a good time, and try not to worry about the gossipers. Goodnight."

  Mildred didn't give him a chance to answer. Don't worry about the gossipers, right. Damn snoops could have his job. Not that he was doing anything wrong. Hell, all he was doing was welcoming a new neighbor and introducing his daughter to her. Was that so wrong? People in this town acted like kissing a woman was a crime. Patrick shook his head and finished packing the picnic basket, adding salad fixings and dressing.

  "Olivia," he called.

  Olivia bounded into the kitchen, saw the picnic basket and clapped her hands and jumped up and down. "Are we going on a picnic?"

  "Not really. We're going across the street to meet our new neighbor."

  "That pretty lady with the red hair?"

  "Ah, so you saw her already?"

  "I saw her when Grammy brought me home from shopping. She's pretty, Daddy. Do you like her?"

  "What's with you and who I like all of a sudden?"

  Olivia grinned. "Well, she is pretty and …."

  "And what?"

  "And Jill said you kissed her." Olivia put her hands behind her back and swayed back and forth.

  Patrick's heart fell. It was one thing for the whole town to gossip about him, but he hadn't thought about Olivia hearing the rumors.

  "Lily said she's your new secretary. Do you like her?"

  Patrick scrubbed his hand over his face. Olivia wasn't going to give up until he answered. What should he say? What the hell? He did like Meghan. What was wrong with that? Besides, he'd always been honest with his daughter. Now wasn't the time to change that. "Yes, I like her. Come on, let's go." Patrick picked up the basket and motioned Olivia to go. He opened the door and someone stood on the other side, hand up ready to knock.


  Olivia backed up and hid behind Patrick.

  "Hello, Patrick."

  Patrick stared at her. Hello, after four years that's all she could say? "Why are you here?" Damn, she looked as beautiful and sexy as the day they married.

  "I came to see Olivia."

  Olivia clung to his leg.

  Was Payton crazy? "Didn't it occur to you to call first?"

  "Hello, Olivia." Payton stooped down and held out her hand.

  Olivia peered around his leg. "Hi."

  Payton stood. "What did you tell her about me?"

  "The subject never came up."

  "Grammy told me you had a very important job and couldn't stay here." Olivia came out from behind Patrick. "Are you done with your job now? Are you going to stay?"

  When and why had his mother talked to Olivia about Payton? And, damn it, why the hell hadn't she told him. Patrick held his breath. How was Payton going to answer Olivia? Damn, she didn't think she could just waltz back into their lives after all this time, did she? He shook his head. Of course she didn't. This was Payton. She didn't like it here before, she sure as hell wouldn't like it any better now. Not after living her extravagant lifestyle in the big city.

  "I don't know," Payton said. "Your father and I have to talk about some things. It looks like you're going on a picnic."

  "We're going to welcome our new neighbor. She's Daddy's new secretary." Olivia looked up at Patrick. "Can Mommy come too, Daddy?"

  Patrick gulped back a gasp. "Uh, I'm not sure that's a good idea."

  "Why not? Won't she like Mommy?"

  Patrick didn't like the way Olivia eased into calling Payton Mommy. Like she'd been doing it forever. He didn't much like the way Payton just stood there either, leaving him to explain. Like she had a right to meet the new neighbor. Like she had a right to be here. "Because Ms Shelby is working in the house, and she's not ready for company."

  "But we're going over there. Aren't we company?"

  Patrick cringed at the smirk that appeared on Payton's face. He'd seen it before, when they were still in college and a waitress openly flirted with him. Payton raged at him for an hour after. She blamed him for it. Said he was sending signals. He hadn't liked it then, and he sure as hell didn't like it now. She had no right waltzing back into their lives like this.

  "No, we're going to take her dinner and see if she needs any help."

  "Can't Mommy help too?"

  Payton help? That was a joke. Of course Olivia had no way of knowing that. How the hell was he going to get out of this? Obviously, Payton wasn't about to defuse the situation.

  "Mommy's not dressed to help." Not that she ever was. He couldn't remember the last time he'd seen Payton in jeans, or even casual clothes and now wasn't any different. She looked like a successful career woman, not a blond hair out of place. Her light blue silk blouse, gray blazer and navy skirt were meticulous.

  "Your father's right. I'm not dressed to help. I'll stay here and wait for you to come back. Is Mildred here? Maybe she can fix me some dinner."

  "No, I gave her the night off. Fix yourself something. We'll be back later." Patrick opened the door and nudged Olivia out before she could say anything else. He didn't need Payton coming with them. Hell, he didn't need Payton waiting for them either. What did she want anyway? Nothing like an ex wife to ruin an evening. Not to mention Olivia so anxious to include her in their plans.

  Chapter Ten

  Engrossed and knee deep in the refrigerator, Meghan bumped her head when she heard Patrick's voice.

  "Hello, anyone home?"

  "Hi." Meghan rubbed her head, blew a strand of hair out of her eyes and wiped her brow with her shirt sleeve. Best she could do for now. Her heart skipped a beat at Patrick standing there holding a picnic basket, but more so at the little girl standing next to him. Pretty little thing, with curly blond hair and a splash of freckles across her nose and cheeks.

  "Meghan, this is my daughter, Olivia. Olivia, this is Ms Shelby."

  Meghan reached her hand out. "Hello, Olivia. That's a very pretty name."

  Olivia shook Meghan's hand. "Thank you. My mommy named me that 'cause it was invented for a play by Shakes something."

  "Shakespeare. Well, it's a very pretty name and you're a very pretty little girl."

  Patrick held up the picnic basket. "I brought dinner just like I promised."

  "Mommy has to make her own dinner. Daddy said she couldn't come and help 'cause she wasn't dressed right."

n's heart caught in her throat. What did Olivia mean? She looked at Patrick for an explanation.

  "Mommy is real pretty too. Isn't she, Daddy?"

  Patrick cleared his throat. "Yes, your mommy is very pretty."

  If ever a man looked uncomfortable, Patrick fit the bill. What was Olivia talking about? Patrick told her his wife left and Olivia didn't know her.

  "Mommy is going to stay after her and Daddy talk."

  Meghan took some dishes out of the cupboard. Anything to busy herself. She grabbed silverware from the drawer and almost slammed the dishes on the table. An explanation had better be forth coming and darn quick. A man didn't kiss a woman the way Patrick kissed her if his wife was coming back. Would he?

  "I'm sorry. Payton showed up just as we were coming over. Olivia is a little confused. Payton led her to believe she's staying."

  "But she said so. She said after you talk." Olivia stuck her lip out and pouted.

  Patrick stooped down. "Your mom's just here for a visit to see you. That's all. She's not going to stay."

  Meghan trembled. Payton was back, and obviously Olivia liked the idea. Okay, this couldn't go any further. She wouldn't be a third wheel in anyone's life. She finished setting the table, not that she was hungry anymore. After that news, her appetite was gone.

  Patrick pulled out a bottle of wine. "Glasses?"

  Wine, just what she didn't need. She took a wine glass out of the cupboard and handed it to Patrick.

  "Aren't you going to join me?"

  "No, I already have a headache. The wine will only intensify it."

  "Can we talk about this after dinner?" Patrick set the glass and wine on the counter and pulled the food out of the picnic basket.

  "Talk about what?"

  "You have to talk to Mommy after dinner." Olivia scrambled up on the chair Meghan held out for her.

  Meghan pulled out the chair across from Olivia. The one farthest from Patrick. Right now she didn't even want to look at him. If she could figure a way to skip dinner, she would. "So, how old are you, Olivia?"

  "I'll be five next month."

  "Oh, are you going to kindergarten?"

  "No, only preschool." Olivia spread her napkin on her lap. "My birthday is too late."