It's Only Make Believe Read online

Page 7

  “Well, it’s not like that actually. I mean... well, we started friendly enough, but the evening ended with him telling me about this girl. He’s in love, but his parents won’t approve the marriage. It’s ridiculous really. In this day and age, some people still need their parents’ approval.” Sarah took a deep breath. “I felt so sorry for him, and we stayed up half the night talking. Can you believe it, talking?”

  “So then what’s the problem, and what aren’t I going to like?”

  “The woman he’s in love with is your maid.” Sarah looked Michele in the eye for the first time since coming into the office. “I told him you’d help him.”

  “You did what? Sarah how could you? You know I don’t get involved in things like that.” Michele jumped up, paced the small room. Louise and Mark O’Neil, the baby must be Mark’s. That’s why she looked so unhappy. Michele lowered herself back into the chair across from Sarah. “Oh, Sarah, this is not good. The O’Neils will never allow Mark to marry Louise. She isn’t in the same class as him.”

  Sarah stared at her. Michele almost felt the contempt stab through her like a knife.

  “I guess I just don’t understand this class thing you talk about. I mean your parents handpicked Brad for you because of class, and you agreed to a marriage you didn’t want. I don’t get it. And, Brad, how do parents have that much control over their kids, especially in this day and age? What happened to marrying for old-fashioned love?” The fury and scorn in Sarah’s voice cut through Michele.

  She leaned back and closed her eyes. Sarah knew better. She’d never allowed class to interfere in her life, had chosen her friends according to their common interests not their wealth. Sarah was her best friend, and Michele hadn’t given a thought that she couldn’t measure up in her parents’ eyes. The fact that she married Brad, well, that was something else again. Deep down, she had always been attracted to him. It had nothing to do with class. Okay, she allowed herself to be talked into a marriage because of pressure from her parents and grandparents, had agreed after Brad promised it would only be for a year. Or did she do it because secretly she’d always been in love with him? Now look at the mess she was in, in love with a husband she knew desired her, but went off at every opportunity to spend time with his ex-lover. She shuddered at the thought.

  “Hey,” Sarah’s voice brought her back to earth. “I’m sorry - I didn’t mean to spout off at you like that. I know you aren’t like them. But, really, Shell, you should have seen this guy. He’s so pathetic.”

  “I just can’t believe this, Sar, Mark O’Neil and Louise, who would have thought. I can’t think of a more unlikely couple.” She caught the expression on Sarah’s face. “I don’t mean because of the class difference. You know me better than that. But, let’s face it Mark is outgoing and a party boy. Louise is quiet and well, homey.”

  “Well, actually he’s not the party boy he’s reputed to be. At least not the guy I talked to last night. He got a bad rap, dating all those girls his parents expected him to date. Did you know Louise worked for the O’Neils? That’s how Mark met her.”

  “Worked for them?” Surely, her mother and Mrs. Lawson knew that before they hired her. They had to know it would be awkward for her to work for the O’Neils. No wonder Patrick hadn’t shown his face. This simply wasn’t done, not acceptable in their society. Louise should never have been able to get a job within their circles again. Sure, she could have gotten a job in another community, but not theirs. Her mother knew this, what was she trying to prove? Probably thought the O’Neils would fire her and without a recommendation her business would go under. This complicated things. Jane O’Neil must really like her work to keep her on. Patrick probably wanted to fire her. She knew something was wrong last time they met. On the other hand, maybe, just maybe Jane shared the same thoughts about their society that Michele did. How could she handle this with tact, should she even bring it up to Jane, or pretend the problem didn’t exist? How sad for Louise and Mark, and for Jane for that matter. How did Jane handle having a granddaughter and not see her?

  “Hey, earth to Michele. What’s going on in that head of yours?”

  “I just don’t see how I can get involved in this, Sarah. I mean, it’s none of my business, but it sure explains why Patrick hasn’t been around. He must think I’m slapping him in the face allowing Louise to work for me.” Michele stood and paced again, rubbing the back of her neck to ease the tension. Of course hers and Brad’s grandparents’ influence probably kept Patrick from saying anything, which had foiled her mother’s plan. “I don’t know if I should even bring this up to Jane. I have to think.”

  Michele poured a cup of coffee and went into her own office. Her bright happy mood at meeting Brad for lunch dissolved. Oh Lord, what would Brad say? Should she even tell him? Maybe she’d bring it up at lunch. She wanted to discuss Louise anyway. Somehow, she didn’t think it would bother him. Funny, she didn’t know much about her husband, yet there were things about him she knew instinctively. The phone rang, disrupting her thoughts.

  Sarah answered, and Michele wondered who it was since Sarah didn’t put the call through to her. Sarah didn’t get many personal calls, not that Michele minded as long as Sarah didn’t over extend the conversations. Shaking off thoughts of Louise and Mark, she took out a folder for a new client. Sam and Nora Edwards wanted a complete makeover, from bedrooms to kitchen. It was a big job, and Michele hoped they didn’t know about Louise. This could ruin her career, although she would have hired Louise herself if she had wanted a maid. The girl was competent and thorough.

  Sarah appeared in the doorway a look of doom on her face. “Sarah, what is it? What’s wrong?” Michele hurried to her friend. “Talk to me what’s happened.”

  Sarah shook her head. “I, I, I’m sorry, Shell, that was Mrs. Edwards on the phone. They’ve decided to go with another designer.” She plopped into a chair.

  Michele sank into the seat opposite, her heart in her throat. “They can’t do that, we have a contract.” Oh gees, this could get ugly.

  “They said you can keep the deposit, but...”

  “But what? Did they say why, although I have a pretty good idea?” Michele rubbed the back of her neck. The day was going from bad to worse. What was she supposed to do? She absolutely refused to fire Louise, that wasn’t an option. Maybe Brad could think of something. She looked at the clock surprised at how much time had passed. Eleven thirty, time to meet him. She’d deal with this later.

  “I have a lunch date with Brad. We’ll talk about this later, but don’t worry about it, Sar. It’s not your fault.” She drove to the restaurant, her mood of a happy lunch ruined.


  A spot right in front of the building, would wonders never cease? Michele sat in the car for a minute. Beads of sweat broke out on her forehead. What was wrong with her? It’s just a lunch for pete’s sake. She took a deep breath. It wasn’t as if she’d never had lunch with her husband. She got out of the car, straightened, and stuck her chin out. Biting her lips, she rubbed her hands together, and walked into Brad’s office, her head high. Today she’d ask Brad about his relationship with Ruby.

  Greta, the receptionist, greeted her with a smile. “Miss Markey, oops sorry, Mrs. Lawson. Brad’s still in a meeting, but he’ll be out shortly. He said you should wait in his office.”

  Michele had never been in Brad’s office before. The large oak desk took up a good portion of the room. She went around and sat in his leather chair. The smell of his aftershave lingered in the room. She fidgeted with the pens on his desk, straightened the few papers and memos and noticed one that said dinner, 7 pm. Chophouse. She groaned. Her husband might be having lunch with her, but wouldn’t be home for dinner.

  The sound of Brad’s voice preceded him into the room. Laughter rang out from Ruby as they came through the door. Ruby’s appearance with Brad sent a wave of jealousy through Michele.

  “Michele.” Brad looked surprised and uncomfortable as his hand rested ligh
tly on Ruby’s back. Ruby glared at her and leaned in closer to Brad, as if to say ‘see, I told you so’. “Oh, damn, lunch. I completely forgot.” He came toward Michele and planted a peck on her cheek, leaving Ruby to cast a smug, ha-ha, look. “I’m not going to be able to do lunch. Something came up, I have this meeting and then I have to leave again for a few days. I’m sorry.”

  Michele hated that Ruby stood in the door way. There was nothing to do or say, she wouldn’t make a scene. Besides this was her husband’s job, she knew it when she went into this arrangement.

  “Uh, Brad, I still have a few things to pack, so I’m gonna split, I’ll meet you at the airport.” Ruby’s sexy voice added more tension to the room. Michele wanted to pick something up and throw it at her, but managed to restrain herself, and focused her attention on Brad.

  Brad waved Ruby away. “Huh? Oh sure, yeah Rube, I’ll see you later.”

  He never took his gaze off Michele, and she tingled under his gaze. Hot sparks of electricity jolted through her body. His nearness burned through her. Why did this man affect her like this? Just the very nearness of him had her wanting to pull him down in a passionate kiss, wanted his arms around her, the warmth of his body against hers. Why did he have to leave again? They hadn’t even had a chance to talk. Talk, the thought sparked her back into awareness. “Brad, I need to talk to you about, Louise.”


  He seemed surprised at her choice of subject, she had a million other things she wanted to discuss with him, but right now Louise was upper most in her mind. “Yes, Louise. You saw her baby this morning.”

  “Yeah pretty little thing, Mikayla, isn’t it?” Brad interrupted. “I didn’t even know Louise was married.”

  “That’s just it. She isn’t and the baby’s father...” This wasn’t an easy topic for her, how would Brad react? He might very well decide to fire Louise, if he felt like others in the community. What could their parents have been thinking to do this to her? “Mark O’Neil is Mikayla’s father.” May as well say it straight out, get it over with.

  “Mark O’Neil?” Surprise registered on his face. “Mark O’Neil and Louise? No way, I can’t believe that. Who told you that?” He ran his hand through his hair.

  The look on his face, other than surprise, didn’t tell Michele anything. What were his feelings on this. Was her husband as big a snob as the rest of the community? Something inside told her no.

  “Brad, listen, the point is they’re in love. Mark wants to marry her, but of course, his parents forbid it. He still sees her, and if his parents find out well...” She paced the small office, glancing only occasionally at Brad, who stood next to the desk in what seemed shock and disbelief.

  “So, why are you telling me this?” His voice held a note of suspicion.

  Did he think she wanted to fire Louise? Michele couldn’t believe he didn’t know her better than that. Of course, he didn’t, just as she didn’t know him.

  “I, I...” She wasn’t sure how to continue, how to broach the next words. It would have to be done very carefully. “I want to help them.” She held her breath and waited for his response, watched his face. A look of surprise and something in his eyes, maybe compassion, spurred her on.

  “Sarah spent last evening listening to Mark. He’s desperately in love with Louise, but...” Michele chuckled knowing what her next words would be. “He doesn’t want to go against his parents’ wishes. What is it with our society, anyway? How come our parents have so much control over us?” She threw her hands up in disgust.

  “I mean, seriously Brad, would you have married me if it wasn’t for your parents and grandparents? Why do we allow them to take control of our lives like this?” She finished in a rush, not really wanting to know the answer. She already knew the answer, of course he wouldn’t any more than she would have.

  Brad moved toward her, wrapped his arms around her. “You are a little romantic, aren’t you?” He nuzzled her neck, and the reaction it caused threw her off balance. She fell against him, and his arms tightened protectively around her.

  “So, my little romantic, just what is your plan. I assume you do have a plan?” He continued kissing her neck, moving up to her cheek and finally finding her lips. Michele stood hypnotized by the spell his mouth cast on her.

  When his lips met hers, the delicious taste of his undid her. She gave in willingly, wanting more. She bit his lip playfully and heard a moan escape his throat. If nothing else, he desired her. He pulled away, and a chill went through her. He let her go, walked to his desk, and picked up the phone. “Greta, cancel my appointment for this afternoon. I’m taking my wife to lunch.”

  The look in his eyes sparkled mischievously. Food wouldn’t be on the menu. He took her hand and led her outside and to his car. He held the door for her. An overwhelming feeling of desire swept through her as he leaned in and kissed her, his tongue forcing her mouth open. She shivered.

  He went around and got in the car. His gaze held hers as he turned the key. “Hungry?” The desire in his eyes caused her to shiver again.

  “Not for food.” The words were out of her mouth before she had time to think. Had she really been bold enough to say them? And why not, he was her husband after all, and she did want him.

  “Good.” He put the car in gear and reached over to take her hand. “Okay, tell me about Louise and Mark. What’s your plan?”

  “I don’t have a plan, that’s what I wanted to talk to you about. Sarah told Mark I’d try to help. Honestly, Brad, I’m at a loss. I can’t for the life of me understand why our parents even hired her. Not that I mind. I’m not like the rest of these society prigs. But, I still don’t understand it...” She laughed at the thought of her mother and mother-in-law going against the grain.

  “There had to be an ulterior motive. Maybe they thought my business would fail. Anyway, I don’t know what to do to help them.”

  Brad remained quiet. Michele worried she had pegged him wrong. No, he couldn’t possibly agree with them. He wasn’t like that.

  “This is going to take some thought, and right now there’s only one thing on my mind.” His wicked grin sent shivers up her spine as he pulled into their drive. He helped her out of the car and took her in his arms. The passionate kiss sent such a thrill through her that her knees went weak.

  “We better go in.” She whispered, afraid of her own voice.

  He put his arm around her and led her into the house. By then the situation struck a chord of humor in her, and she giggled like a schoolgirl. Apparently, the mood was contagious, and Brad giggled right along with her. They hurried into the house and began the long climb to the second floor, giggling and laughing like school kids. Michele caught a movement out of the corner of her eye. Anna came out of the kitchen. The look on her face spoke volumes. She approved of their afternoon tryst.

  Michele took over the lead and opened the door to their bedroom, a teasing look in her eyes. She pulled him along and removed his tie, enticing him to follow her into the room.

  He pulled her to him, kissing her neck, her chin and finally coming to rest on her lips. A gasp from the bathroom made them pull apart. Louise stood in the doorway, her face flaming, eyes lowered.

  “I’m sorry,” she mumbled and hurried past them. Michele and Brad burst out laughing as they moved aside so she could pass.

  They spent the better part of the afternoon making love. Michele rolled over and, resting her head on her hand, looked at Brad. How much in love she felt. She stared down at her husband’s long lashes covering his closed eyes. She stroked his head, circling his face with her finger.

  He grabbed her hand, brought it to his lips, and kissed it, igniting renewed sparks in her. She wrapped her arms around him, enjoying their warmth and security his offered. In his arms, she knew their marriage could work, all doubts faded. The phone rang.

  “Damn!” He sat up pulling the sheet with him as he moved his legs over his side of the bed. Michele wished he would let it ring, or let Louise answer
it, but she knew better. He had told Louise and Anna he’d answer the phone whenever he was home. He picked up the receiver.

  “Hello,” he barked into the phone. Michele smiled at his tone. “Mother!” He stood, pulling the sheet with him, rolled his eyes and grinned at Michele.

  Michele got up and went to the shower, smiling at the way he looked - so boyish as if his mother caught him with his hand in the cookie jar. Her mood lighter, until she remembered Brad was leaving again. How, she wondered, was she supposed to build a marriage with a husband who was never home?

  Brad joined her in the shower, startling her. She leaned against him as he kissed her neck, letting the water run over their bodies. He soaped her up and washed her hair. She luxuriated in the sensuality of the moment. He turned her toward him, took her in his arms, pressed his body against hers, and kissed her.

  “I hate to break this up, but I have a plane to catch. I’ll be home in a day or two, I promise. When I get back we’ll figure out a plan for Louise and Mark.” He got out of the shower, leaving her disappointed and empty.

  She snapped off the water and followed him. She grabbed her towel and wrapped herself in it. “Brad...”

  He stopped drying himself and looked at her. “Michele, I ...”

  They stared at each other, Michele begging him with her eyes not to go, willing him to stay, yet knowing he had to leave. It was his job.

  “Do you think we could go furniture shopping when you come back?” It wasn’t what she wanted to say. She wanted to ask about Ruby, wanted to tell him she loved him, wanted him, wanted their marriage to work.

  “Furniture shopping?” Laughter sparkled in his eyes. “You want me to go furniture shopping with you? Sure, why not it might be fun.” He shrugged and left the bathroom.

  Michele finished drying off and by time she came into the bedroom, Brad was dressed and packing a bag. Her breath caught at the sight, and her pulse quickened. It was an all too familiar sight in their marriage. She walked toward him, throwing caution to the wind. She turned him toward her and pulled him against her letting the towel fall between them. She looked into his eyes, her body smoldering. A wicked gleam entered his eyes as he scanned her body.