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Secrets, Lies & Love Page 8
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Page 8
"That was a long time ago. I changed."
Oh, she changed all right. Payton was a different person when she was pregnant. Maternal, caring, even loving. He wasn't buying it. "Yeah, same way you did when you were pregnant with Olivia. As soon as you have the baby you'll change back. And don't think for a minute you're dumping someone else's kid on me."
"Just give me a chance. Let me prove it to you," Payton said.
Patrick stood and walked toward her. "I don't want you here, Payton. I have a life without you, and I'd like to keep it that way." He stopped inches away from her. "You can stay the night. Sleep on the couch. In the morning I want you out of here." He turned and hurried to the steps before she could say anything else. Damned if he'd even let her use the guest room. Too close to Olivia. The last thing he needed in his life was Payton back in the picture, with a kid yet. First thing in the morning, she had to leave. Pregnant, can you beat that?
Chapter Twelve
Meghan climbed down from the ladder and stretched. Finally the kitchen was clean and ready for paint. In the dining room, she paused and ran her hand across the smooth wood of the buffet. Still as smooth as she remembered. Aunt Beth used to tell her the wood was soft as silk. Meghan smiled at the memory of helping Aunt Beth polish the fine wood. "You can't take too good care of furniture," she used to say.
She pulled a drawer open and touched the fine silver that had tarnished over the years. In the corner, her hand touched something small. Lifting it out of the drawer, she turned it over in her hand. It looked like a memory card for a camera. What the heck? Aunt Beth didn't even own a digital camera.
Meghan shrugged and set it back in the corner of the drawer. One of these days, she'd see what was on it. Right now, she was too tired to do anything but go to bed. Flipping off the light, her gaze went across the street. Her stomach cramped.
What were they doing? The house suddenly went dark. If nothing else, Payton was definitely staying the night. A loud sigh escaped her throat. Tears burned her eyes. She didn't have a good feeling about this. Not that she could do anything about it. At least not tonight. She went up to bed.
* * *
Patrick hurried downstairs. He wanted Payton gone before Olivia woke up. Thank goodness his daughter was a late sleeper.
Payton lay asleep on the couch, her blond hair splayed on the pillow. He used to love to watch her sleep. There was a sweet innocence about her. He laughed. It didn't take him long to discover nothing about Payton was innocent. She was a spoiled brat. An only child whose parents never said no. He kicked the couch as he walked past and went to the kitchen to make coffee. One cup and she'd better be on her way. Shaking his head, thoughts of their marriage ran through his mind. Funny, Payton always got her own way in that too. Until he decided to return to Littleton, that is. Only thing he ever stuck to his guns about. Not that Payton objected much. Oh, no, she saw herself leading a grand life. Until they got here. It didn't take long for holy hell to break loose. Payton hated everything about Littleton. Backwards, she called it.
"Good morning." Payton's voice broke into his thoughts a few minutes later. "I see you're still an early riser."
Patrick filled the coffee pot. "Some things never change." Hot breath on his neck caused him to turn. Right into Payton's face. Lips just inches away from each other. Hers parted as if waiting for him to respond. Chills ran up his body. Before he could push her away, she leaned into him, her mouth pressed against his, her tongue slipping into his mouth. God help him, he responded. She slid her arms around his neck, behind his head and pressed closer against him. A moan escaped her throat.
What the hell was he doing? Coming to his senses, he pushed her away and turned back to the coffee pot.
"I missed that, Patrick."
Patrick stopped dead in his tracks and gripped the edge of the sink to steady himself. "Missed that?" A laugh escaped his throat. He couldn't help it. The irony of the situation cracked him up. "After four years, you decided you missed that? You screwed God knows how many men, at least one of them married, and you have the nerve to stand here and say you missed that?"
Payton backed up, the look on her face as if he'd slapped her. "You never understood me. Never understood how much I loved you."
Patrick leaned against the sink, crossed his arms and legs and laughed. "How much you loved me? You were the one who left, remember?"
"I made a mistake. How long are you going to hold that against me?"
"Excuse me? You were gone for four years. You got yourself pregnant by another man. How long do you think I should hold it against you?" Patrick straightened, grabbed two coffee cups from the shelf, and poured coffee into both. He handed one to her. "Never mind, it doesn't matter. Drink your coffee. I want you gone before Olivia wakes up." With that he walked out of the kitchen, opened the front door, picked up the newspaper, and went to sit in his favorite chair in the living room.
His insides boiled. He tried to still the rage rising in him. Yelling wasn't going to solve anything. Somehow he had to remain calm. He put the paper in front of his face to read, but couldn't concentrate. Of all the nerve, coming back here like that. Not even a phone call in the four years since she'd been gone and she thought she had the right to walk back into his life, pregnant with another man's child and pick up where they left off. As if nothing happened between them. As if he didn't have a life to lead.
Sounds of Payton going upstairs broke his thoughts. "Do not wake Olivia."
Payton paused on the steps and then continued on.
Patrick went to the stairway. "I said, do not wake Olivia."
"Can't I even say goodbye?"
Payton turned toward him. He swore the tears were real, but remembered how easily she formed them. That trick wasn't going to work this time.
She took a step forward and slipped. She reached her hand out, but couldn't catch herself. She threw her weight backwards, catching her heel between the step riser and landing. Even from here, Patrick heard the crunch of a broken bone. He rushed to her, bent down and felt her ankle and leg.
"I think it's broken. I'll call someone to stay with Olivia and take you to the hospital."
Tears flowed down Payton's cheeks. Not false tears, real tears of pain. Damn it, he didn't need this. Why didn't she just leave? Why did she insist on seeing Olivia? He hurried to the phone.
Meghan answered on the second ring. "Hello."
"Meghan, its Patrick. I'm sorry to bother you, but I have to take Payton to the hospital. Can you come over and stay with Olivia?"
"Oh, my gosh, I'll be right over."
"Thanks." Patrick hung up without saying goodbye and went back to Payton. He lifted her and carried her to the couch, set her down and looked for his car keys. A few minutes later, Meghan came in.
"Thanks for coming. Payton fell down the steps, and I think she broke her leg. Olivia is still asleep."
"No problem. Do you mind if I take her across the street when she wakes up?"
"No, that's fine." Patrick lifted Payton from the couch. The way she threw her arm around him and leaned against his chest irritated him. Damn her and her possessiveness. The last thing he wanted was to give Meghan the wrong impression. Right now he didn't have time to set her straight. He needed to get her to the hospital. Already her ankle and leg were turning blue and swelling.
Patrick no sooner stopped his car at the emergency room entrance before a security guard rushed through the sliding glass doors.
"Do you need a wheelchair?"
"Yes." Patrick hurried around to the passenger side and opened the door. The security guard pushed the wheelchair toward the car, and Patrick picked Payton up and set her in it. "I think she broke her ankle."
"I'll take her inside. You can park over there." The security guard nodded toward the parking lot and headed for door.
Tears streaked down Payton's face. Damn her, why did she insist on going upstairs? To manipulate him, more than likely. She'd make sure he took the blame for
making her leave. Olivia would beg and next thing you know, he'd give in. Oh, Payton was clever, no doubt about that.
Half an hour later, an aide wheeled Payton back from x-rays and drew the curtain around them. As if he needed privacy. Patrick stayed as far away from her as possible in the small cubicle. The doctor came back a few minutes later and the look on his face spoke volumes. Too serious. Patrick held his breath and waited for the diagnoses.
"Well, Mrs. MacShaunessy, you did quite a job. Your ankle is broken." The doctor looked between Payton and Patrick. "You snapped your fibula and have a bimalleolar fracture. I'm afraid you're going to need surgery to put in a metal plate. I'm scheduling you for Monday morning."
Patrick groaned. "What the hell is a bimalleolar fracture?"
The doctor looked at him and smiled. "It's a fracture of the lower tibia, which affects the internal and external malleolus. Uh, the two protuberances of the ankle."
Just great. "How long before she recovers? Will she be able to walk?"
"I'm afraid not. Healing requires about eight weeks of non-weight bearing and at least nine weeks before she can drive."
"Eight weeks?" What the hell was he going to do with her for eight weeks? He couldn't even put her in a hotel. "Can she go to a rehabilitation nursing facility after the surgery?"
"Not right away. She's going to have to stay off that leg."
Payton took his hand. "Can't I stay with you, Patrick?"
Patrick yanked his hand away. He didn't want her anywhere near Olivia. He shook his head. "There's no one to take care of you there."
"What about Mildred? She's there during the day?"
"Mildred's job isn't to babysit you." Patrick couldn't keep the cold tone out of his voice. It was just like Payton to expect other people to wait on her hand and foot.
"I can hire someone during the day. Please. I don't have anywhere else to go." Payton's purring nauseated him. A long time ago he loved that little girl voice. Now it disgusted him. But what the hell was he supposed to do? He couldn't kick her out.
He scrubbed his hand across his face, took a deep breath and blew it out. "I'll think about it."
Chapter Thirteen
Meghan's stomach quivered. Was Patrick getting back with his ex-wife? They certainly looked cozy the way Payton threw her arms around him and leaned her head on his shoulder. Only time would tell, no point dwelling on it.
She looked around the living room, much like hers. The Victorian furniture looked antique. A secretary sat against one wall, and Meghan caught her reflection in the mirror. What a sight. Wrinkle lines from the sheet and pillow lined her face and arms, her hair crushed against her head. She hadn't bothered to style it since she was just going to work in the house. Payton looked elegant in a silk blouse and linen pants. No competition there.
"Where's Mommy and Daddy?" Olivia tugged on her shirt.
"Huh? Oh, your mother hurt her leg and Daddy took her to the hospital.
"Is Mommy okay? She won't die, will she?"
Meghan stooped down next to Olivia. "No, she's not going to die. She just hurt her leg. I'm sure she'll be fine. What would you like for breakfast?"
"Cereal, please."
Meghan followed Olivia. Oh, what she'd give for a kitchen like this. Even with the modern appliances, it looked Victorian right down to the reproduction stove. Patrick kept the original cupboards and woodwork. Oak floor to ceiling cabinets lined one wall. Could her kitchen look like this? Maybe someday.
"So, how would you like to come to my house after breakfast?" Meghan set a bowl of cereal in front of Olivia.
"When will Mommy and Daddy be back?"
"I'm not sure."
"Okay, I guess we can go to your house. Can I help you again?"
Meghan laughed. "Sweetie, you can help me any time you want. I can use all the help I can get."
Before she put the cereal bowl in the sink, Patrick came in.
"Daddy!" Olivia ran and jumped into his arms, wrapping her hands around his neck. "Where's Mommy?"
"Your mother has to stay in the hospital for a few days."
"She broke her ankle and has to have surgery." Patrick looked at Meghan over Olivia's shoulder, but his expression didn't say much. He looked tired. Tired and worried. "Thanks for staying with Olivia. I really appreciate it."
Olivia released her hold on Patrick and slid to the floor. "Can Daddy come and help you with your house too?" She took hold of Patrick's hand. "We were going to Ms Shelby's and do some work. She said she needs lots of help. Can we help, Daddy? Can we?"
"If Ms Shelby needs help, then I guess we can." Patrick smiled. "Besides, I owe you for leaving early last night."
* * *
Work moved along quickly with Patrick's help. Before Meghan knew it, the walls in the dining and living room were washed and ready for paint. Olivia emptied the bookshelves and stacked the books in boxes. At this rate, the painters could finish the whole downstairs in no time. Of course, there was the buffet to go through and all the papers from the cabinets below the bookshelf. Aunt Beth must have saved every bill she ever paid. Oh, well, the majority of work was done.
"How about some pizza? My treat. It's the least I can do to repay you."
"Only if we order in. I don't feel like going out." Patrick sank into the Queen Anne chair next to the fireplace.
"Deal." Meghan smiled. Patrick fit in so well, like he belonged there. She'd better get those thoughts out of her head. Still, he wasn't with Payton? In fact, why hadn't he taken Olivia to see her? Not that she'd ask, the answer might not please her. She went to call for pizza. Portable phones were definitely in order. Rotary dial phones didn't work for her.
* * *
Olivia crawled up on Patrick's lap. "When's Mommy coming home?"
"She has to stay in the hospital for a couple of days. We'll talk about it later, okay?" He couldn't bring himself to call her mommy. Payton wasn't and never had been a mother to Olivia. Why this sudden attachment? Olivia had taken to Payton like fish to water. He didn't like it, and if Payton came back to his house that attachment was going to grow. He cringed at the thought of Payton living there. Eight weeks at the minimum. Olivia would be so attached by then, it would break her heart when Payton left. And she would leave, he had no doubt about that. Maybe not until the baby came like last time. No, he had to get her out of there now.
He snapped his fingers. Payton could go to West Wood. It wasn't just a rehabilitation center, it had a big nursing home. Best place for her. If she could afford a fulltime nurse, she could afford that. Besides, her hospitalization might even cover it. He couldn't help but smile. Best idea he had since Payton showed up at his door.
"You look like the cat that swallowed the canary. Want to share?" Meghan stood in the doorway.
Damn, she was beautiful. Payton wasn't going to ruin his chances with her no matter how she tried. And knowing Payton, even in a nursing home, she'd try. "Later." He nodded toward Olivia. Not something to be discussed in front of his daughter.
"Okay, pizza will be here in about 45 minutes. I'm going to start cleaning out these bottom shelves. You don't mind, do you?"
"I'd offer my help, but it's obvious you're going to have to go through each of those papers one by one."
"Thanks, I'll manage." Meghan grabbed a garbage bag. "Most of them will be tossed. I can't imagine why Aunt Beth kept all the paid bills for all these years. But at least she kept them organized. Look at this." Meghan pulled a stack of bills rubber-banded together from the first shelf. "Electric bills from fifteen years ago."
"I remember my grandmother actually stuck money between her bills. My mother found several hundred dollars."
"Good idea. I remember my mom saying Grandma and Aunt Beth both had a habit of hiding money. She said we'd have to go over this place with a fine tooth comb." Meghan snapped the rubber band off the stack, and sure enough, after the fourth statement she found three twenty dollar bills. "Well, that's a pleasant surprise."
bsp; "Good thing you didn't just toss them. Why would anyone put money in with a stack of paid bills?"
Meghan shrugged. "Last place a robber would look, I'd imagine."
Forty-five minutes, three bags of garbage, and ninety dollars later, the pizza arrived. Meghan stretched and tried to unknot the pain in her back while she handed the money to Patrick pay for it. This was going to take longer than she thought.
Chapter Fourteen
After Patrick and Olivia left, Meghan walked around and shook her head. It wasn't like she even knew where to begin renovating the house, and it was going to take money. Lots of money, especially in the kitchen. Did she have enough? Had she bitten off more than she could chew? What really drew her back to Littleton? Oh, sure, the house held a lot of memories, but it was something else.
Maybe, but something more, something she couldn't quite put her finger on. A secret? Something from the past? A scene came briefly to her mind. A vision of her parents, aunt, and grandmother huddled together, whispering the day before they left town. Was that it? Did the house hold the answer? Did she really want to know? Meghan closed her eyes. Part of her desperately wanted to know why they never came back, why her parents wouldn't talk about it. What were they hiding? And part of her was afraid of the answer.
And what about Patrick and Payton? Were they getting back together? Patrick said they'd talk later. What would he say? She didn't have time to think about it now. There was still too much work to be done. Tomorrow was another day, her back couldn't take much more tonight. She turned off the lights and headed up to bed.
No sooner had she dozed off, than a sound at the back door woke her. Someone rattled the doorknob, or was it her imagination? She sat up, listening. Nothing. All was quiet. Probably just the wind and a branch scratching the house. A few minutes after she lay back down, the floorboards downstairs creaked. Meghan lay still, waiting. Her heart beat so hard against her chest, she swore it would burst through.