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- Roseanne Dowell
Designed for Love Page 10
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Page 10
The pleading tone of Bill's voice stopped me. I couldn't look at him. If I looked at him, I'd give in. "What?"
"I promise. It'll never happen again. Unless you want it to, that is."
I almost laughed. Therein lay the problem– I wanted it to. Wanted it desperately. But I couldn't, wouldn't give in. For a moment I hesitated, wanted to go back. Wanted to take him at his word. I was sure he meant it. Was sure I could trust him.
Problem was I couldn't trust myself.
I shook my head. "I can't." I opened the door and ran to my car before he could stop me again. I must have been crazy to even go inside. I dug in my pocket for the keys. Great, where were they? Then it dawned on me. I set them on the table. Crap, I had to go back. I had no choice.
Unless he'd bring them out to me. Fat chance of that happening. I could picture him in there, laughing at me. Waiting for me to come back. No, Bill wouldn't do that. Another guy maybe, but not Bill. At least I didn't think he would. I looked back at the house. Already the kitchen was dark. He probably never even noticed the keys.
I shrugged. Nothing else to do. I went back to the house and knocked. I heard a soft woof from somewhere inside and smiled. Leo. Sweet, precious Leo. If it hadn't been for him who knows what I'd be doing right now?
The kitchen light went on, and Bill came toward the door. My heart leapt at the sight of him. Sometime in the few minutes since I left, he'd taken off his shirt. His muscles rippled in his chest as he reached his hand out to unlock the door. God, I wanted that man.
Chapter Eighteen
Heat surged through my body and my cheeks felt flushed. I was treading on dangerous ground and I couldn't stop myself. This time I wasn't going to walk away. I knew it in my bones. He swung open the door and that silly grin almost brought me to my knees.
"Back already?"
The laughter in his voice tantalized me. A tight tingly sensation began in the pit of my stomach and moved outward. I opened the screen door and stepped in.
Without answering, I moved toward him, unbuttoning my jacket as I went. He took a step back. Surprise registered on his face. I didn't care. Like it or not, I was going to finish what he started. Why not? We were both adults, and obviously we wanted each other. Desired each other. Hell, the flame inside me demanded to be doused. And I aimed to do just that.
I tossed my jacket on the chair and took another step toward him. He stood still, so still I could barely hear him breathe. I reached up and pulled his head down toward mine, brought his lips to within a hair of my own. He grabbed my wrist and stopped me.
"Don't start something you can't finish." His voice held a note of warning.
Oh, I had every intention of finishing. And when I was finished, he'd want me again and yet again. He started this and I sure as hell was going to finish it.
I licked my lips greedily and looked up at him. "Trust me, I intend to finish." I brushed my fingers gently across his chest, then reached behind and pulled his head down to me. This time connecting with his mouth.
I kissed him long and hard, increasing the pressure while my body burned out of control. The feel of his bare chest under my hand overwhelmed me. Moisture gathered between my legs, as the hard bulge in his pants, pressed against me.
Suddenly, he pulled away, held me at arm's length and looked at me. "Are you sure about this?"
"Never been surer of anything in my life." The huskiness of my voice surprised even me.
"Come on." Bill put his arm around me. "I'll show you the back staircase."
"Where's Leo?"
"In his bed." He led me to the back stairway.
I leaned against him, as much for support as for wanting to touch him. He led me through a doorway and up a long stairway.
At the top, he stopped and looked at me again. His soft gray eyes seemed to study me. "You're absolutely sure? Because once we go through that door there's no turning back."
I nodded. A small part of me was unsure. A very small part. The biggest part didn't have a doubt in my mind. I wanted this more than anything I'd ever wanted in my life. I motioned him forward. "Trust me, I'm sure."
Bill opened another door, flipped on the light, and led me inside. I was surprised at the size of the room and the size of the bed. I figured him for a king, if not a queen, but a modest double bed sat in the middle of the room.
A cranberry-colored quilt half exposed silver sheets. Black and white striped wallpaper covered the walls. The room screamed masculinity. Yet the softness of it appealed to me.
Bill stood next to me.
I stopped and looked at him, saw the apprehension, knew he was waiting for me to change my mind? I could tell he wasn't sure. He knew he had to give me time. I walked around the room, touching things. Photos of his family on the mantel, decanters he'd collected over the years. I ran my hands across the dresser top, caressing it. I loved old things, old wood. Loved the smooth feel of it beneath my hands. Finally, I turned and came back to him.
I reached up and ran my hand along his cheek, across his head, running my fingers in his hair.
Finally, I put my arms around him and stood on tiptoes to reach his mouth. I slipped my tongue into his mouth. I'd never been so bold.
His arms came around me, and his tongue entangled with my own, tasting, nibbling, sucking. He slid his hand under my blouse and my breasts responded.
He worked his way under my lacy bra, and I was lost. Lost in my own desire. I felt like I was floating high in the sky, and I never wanted to come down to earth.
I sensed the edge of the bed behind my knees. Felt him lowering me on the mattress.
He leaned on his elbow next to me and ran his finger along my cheek, across my lips. He followed with his lips, kissing my neck, teasing me, tantalizing me.
He unbuttoned my blouse one slow button at a time. I wanted to help him, but he stopped me. Finally, he pushed it off my shoulders.
I could hardly breathe as he moved my bra out of the way and nibbled each hard nipple. Waves and waves of electrifying passion spiraled through my body. Never in my wildest imagination did I think making love would be so seductive, yet so magical.
Chapter Nineteen
I lay curled next to Bill more content than I'd ever been in my life. Well, for as long as I could remember, anyway. How many women had come before me, I wondered. Bill was so experienced, so gentle, caring and considerate, yet so passionate.
I looked at him. Propped on his elbow, he caressed me with his other hand. Even now, doing things to my insides that I never dreamed of. Of course he had a past, probably a many women. A man his age and that good-looking and charismatic didn't go through life a virgin. Hell, most women didn't.
"Penny for your thoughts." Bill ran his fingers across my neck and up to my cheek. I shivered under the gentleness of it. Yet, it aroused me.
"Hmm, oh, nothing, just thinking about getting up and going home." I lied.
"You can stay." He nibbled my ear. "You can leave in the morning."
The idea sounded heavenly. There was nothing I'd enjoy more than waking up next to him. Dared I stay? His lips on my breast were being very convincing. Lord, what this man did to me.
"I'll even make us breakfast in the morning."
The way he sucked on my nipples intoxicated me. The sheer ecstasy of it caused me to lose all sense of rationalism. It didn't exist anymore. Nothing did. Nothing but the way he teased me with his mouth.
I sank down into the sheets and relished in the delight of it. A small moan escaped my throat as he moved to my stomach. Unbelievably, I was ready for more.
Was his plan to exhaust me so I couldn't leave? I didn't care. Right now, I didn't care about anything but the way his tongue slid across my stomach. He pushed my legs apart and lowered himself between them. I brought my hips up to meet him. He plunged his hard member inside of me and my body rose up to meet him, creating a rhythm all its own. Wave after wave of ecstasy crashed over me.
If his plan was to exhaust m
e, it worked. Satisfied, drowsy and slightly intoxicated from sex, I lay back and closed my eyes. I could no more get out of bed and go home than I could dance a jig.
What's more, I didn't care. I just wanted to lay here and relish the luscious feeling of contentment.
Bill continued to caress me, but now it just relaxed me. I liked the way he stroked my hair behind my ears. Reminded me of when I was young and my mother did the same thing. It had the same comforting feeling. I closed my eyes and slept.
I wasn't sure what time it was when I woke up. Had to be early, the sun barely peeked through the windows. Bill's arm rested over me, and I snuggled up against him. I wasn't ready to get up. It felt too good lying here next to him.
It wouldn't take much to get used to this. As much as I resisted the attraction, I wasn't sorry I gave in. Even now, I didn't regret it.
Bill had put me completely at ease. Maybe the fact that I liked him helped. We had so much in common, and I enjoyed his company. I turned slightly, so I could look at him.
I loved the way his hair curled on his forehead, his strong straight nose, the dimple in his chin. I loved everything about him.
Had since I first saw him.
I knew immediately that it'd be trouble if I let myself become involved with him. Already, I was falling in love. I couldn't fight it. It was bigger than both of us. Problem is– did he feel the same way, or was this just a one night stand? I hoped not. He just didn't seem like that kind of guy.
"Morning, sunshine." Bill's eyes flitted open.
Desire shown through them. Good Lord, not again. I snuggled against him. "Morning." Why not again? Already my body yearned for him.
An hour later, I eased off the bed. "You promised me breakfast," I said as I headed toward the bathroom.
* * *
"That I did." Bill sat up and watched her. Slender waist, nice breasts, great hips. All in all, one sexy lady and a virgin at that. Thank God, he'd been gentle. He found the idea of her virginity refreshing. Surprising as hell in this day and age, but refreshing all the same.
If he'd have known she was coming back last night, he'd have lit a fire in the fireplace, set up some candles, created a romantic mood. Something told him he had to go slow. Thank God, he had. He knew it took a lot for her to even be here. He almost pinched himself to make sure it wasn't a dream.
He laughed when Wendy realized her nakedness, came back and grabbed the sheet to cover up. Her cheeks turned a bright red. A sense of modesty too.
That was funny considering what they'd been through the last twelve hours. But he liked it. Liked it a lot. Hell, he liked her a lot.
He still couldn't believe she came back last night. What prompted it? And her boldness. Not that he minded, hell, no. It just surprised him. Surprised him, shocked the hell out of him is more like it. He knew the minute he laid eyes on her, she was independent and confident. But after she resisted his every advance, to say it shocked him was an understatement.
"Hey, are you going to get up and make me breakfast or what?" Wendy came back and smacked his butt.
"Okay, okay." Bill pushed the blanket away and got out of bed. This time he did laugh at the look on her face as she stared at his nakedness.
He couldn't help it. She tried to avert her eyes, but he saw the quick glance, then she stared at him openly. As if she wanted to devour him. It took all his will power not to grab her and climb back into bed.
"You want the shower first?" He moved toward her. He couldn't resist this woman. "Or maybe you'd rather we take one together. It's big enough." He left her to think about it and went into the bathroom.
* * *
I knew my cheeks turned red. Good Lord, my whole body was on fire just looking at him. I'd never seen such a fine specimen of a man. I almost giggled. Hell, I'd never seen a man naked before. Holy crap, I had watched his member harden in front of me. I had no idea what was going on inside me. All I knew was my hormones raged, and I wanted him. Again!
The shower? I'd never made love in a shower before. I giggled. Hell, I'd never made love in a bed before last night. Why not? I heard the water turn on.
Suddenly, I felt playful and went into the bathroom, letting the sheet slip from my body. He stood ready to get into the shower when I walked in. He stopped and looked at me. I hadn't missed the admiring look when I first got out of bed. He didn't disappoint me now. His grin definitely said he liked what he saw.
I stopped in front of him and grazed my hand across his chest, pulling gently on his hairs. I slid my hand down to his stomach and made circles, widening them with each pass until I touched his hard erection. He gasped when I took it in my hand.
"The hell with the shower, let's go back to bed."
"Uh uh, the shower this time." I pushed him toward it.
"God, woman, you're insatiable."
"Me!" I yanked on his erection just enough to emphasize my words. "What's this?"
Bill laughed. "You've got me there. The shower it is." He opened the shower door.
I took my gaze off him long enough to look around. He wasn't kidding, the shower was large enough for both of us and then some. Shower jets lined the wall at various heights. Six on the side wall alone. Two each at the front and back of the tub. A large rain shower head mounted on the ceiling promised a gentle stream of water. Luxury wasn't the word to describe the spa tub. Clear glass enclosed the area.
"You like?" Bill grinned at me, while he reached in and adjusted the water. "Don't want cold water ruining our fun."
Like wasn't the word to describe what I thought of the large bathroom. Gold colored travertine tile on the walls and floor created a warm, inviting room. I could get used to living like this. It sure made my spa tub modest in comparison. Why he thought he needed an interior designer was beyond me. I filed it in my memory back to ask him later.
Bill nudged me inside the shower, and stepped in behind me. He put his arms around me and cupped my breasts. I leaned against him. Already I wanted him. I tried to turn around.
"Not yet," he whispered. "Just let me hold you, feel you."
He took his hands away for a minute and when he brought them back he slid them over my breasts full of lathery soap. His slippery hands moved across my breasts and on my back. He leaned down and kissed my neck as he massaged me.
Wave after wave of electrical jolts crashed over me. Never had soap been so stimulating, so sinfully arousing.
I didn't know how long I could endure this. I needed release, now. Yet my body was greedy for him. Wanted more. I writhed against him. I wanted him to fill me, yet didn't want it to end. Not yet. Again, I tried to turn toward him.
"Not yet."
"I want to touch you too." I needed to touch him.
"If you touch me now it'll be all over."
After our shower, I put my clothes on and towel dried my hair. Guess the curly look was going to have to do for today. The delicious smell of bacon drifted up from the kitchen. My stomach growled, reminding me how hungry I was.
Hungry for food this time. Hopefully, I had enough of Bill for a while. I had to go home and get some work done. Before I went downstairs, I couldn't help doing a little exploring.
I loved this old house and its high ceilings. I went from bedroom to bedroom, most of them empty. Some still needed work. I even loved the old faded wallpaper on the walls. One of the rooms had a bay window that looked out on the street. The whole room had a familiarity about it.
I stood at the window and pictured me as a child, standing here looking out the window, daydreaming. I became so lost in thought, I didn't hear Bill come upstairs. Didn't hear him enter the room. Didn't even hear Leo's nails clicking on the floor as he followed his master.
Suddenly, he was there standing beside me. He put his arm around me. "What are you thinking about?"
"Just thinking about this room and this window. It's so familiar. Like I've been here before. I love this house." I leaned against him. "I hope you don't mind I took the liberty of exploring a bit." I patte
d Leo's head. I could get used to this whole lifestyle.
"Not at all. I'll show you more after breakfast."
"Good, I'd love to see the attic playroom."
"How did you know there was an attic playroom?"
I shrugged. "I have no idea."
I picked up my dish and carried it to the sink. "That was excellent. I've never had eggs Benedict before. Where'd you learn to cook?"
"I used to help my mom." Bill took the dish from me, rinsed it, and put it in the dishwasher "Cooking's my second love. Well, maybe not second, but its high up on the list." Leo followed him back and forth from the table to the sink, finally lying down at his feet.
Wow, good-looking, sexy and can cook. How had he escaped being tied down? Maybe he was afraid of commitment. Or maybe he just liked to play the field.
No ties. 'Foot loose and fancy free' as my mother would say. Before I had a chance to say more, the phone rang. Bill went to answer it, and Leo came to sit next to me. I patted the dog without even thinking. He laid his head on my lap and seemed to enjoy me scratching behind his ears.
"Wish you could talk," I said to Leo. "I'd ask you his deepest, darkest secrets."
Leo cocked his head and looked up at me.
"Who has secrets?" Bill came back to the kitchen.
My face flushed. "Oops, caught me."
Bill tossed the towel on the sink. "We have to go."
"Gladys Gilmore's house got broken into. There's water everywhere."
"Water?" I grabbed my jacket off the chair and remembered my car keys. They weren't on the table. "Where are my keys?"
"What keys?"
"My car keys. I threw them on the table last night. That's why I came back." I almost bit my tongue at the last part. Oh, well, he may as well know the truth.
"You came back for your keys?"
"Uh, yeah, but they're not here. Did you put them some place?"
"I haven't seen them. Are you sure you left them?" Bill picked up a newspaper from the counter and looked under it.