Designed for Love Read online

Page 9

  "Okay." I couldn't believe the change. Bold colors compared to the earth tones she'd originally picked out. "So, you no longer want the fabric samples I brought?"

  "No, Nick showed them to me earlier. They worked with the other floor plan. With the rooms opened up I can go bold. Wild, vivid blues and purples." Gladys's voice rose to a whiny squeak as she spoke.

  Another side to Gladys that I hadn't seen. What was going on with this woman? Coming to Florida seemed to loosen up a side of her I didn't know existed.

  Oh, sure, she was always a bit ditzy, changing her mind every time you turned around, but now it seemed she'd gone off the deep end. Blues and purples, what was the woman thinking? Especially vivid. The living room was already huge, why would she want to knock down walls?

  Again, as if Gladys read my mind, she put her hand on my arm. "You know, dear, that great rooms are in. I want to open my kitchen to the living and dining room. I want to be part of my guests when I'm entertaining."

  "I see." I didn't exactly see. In fact, I couldn't picture Gladys in the kitchen, cooking or anything else, when she entertained. Nope Gladys was the type to hire caterers, so it surprised me that she wanted the kitchen opened up at all.

  "So, you want to do all three rooms in those colors?" I couldn't imagine how it would look, especially in the kitchen.

  How could I tone it down a bit? "How about a soft blue on the walls, and pick up on the vivid blues and purples in the fabrics on the drapes and upholstery?" The room should be able to handle that.

  "I agree with Wendy." Bill chimed in, bless his heart. I could have kissed him. "I think the space is too big for those vivid colors on the walls."

  Nick leaned back and smiled. "Now you know why I only hire the best."

  "So you agree with them?" Gladys looked at Nick.

  Say yes, I willed Nick's mind to hear. Those colors on the walls would be horrendous even in a big room.

  "Actually, I do. You want a large open feel to the space. You don't want to crowd it with color." Nick shot a glance at me and smiled.

  Thank you, Lord. I offered up a silent prayer. Although I was sure if it weren't for Nick, Gladys might have objected.

  "Then soft blue it is." Gladys waved her hands to dismiss the conversation. "I trust it all to you, Wendy. You already know what kinds of fabrics I like. Use your own judgment." She leaned towards Bill. "Knocking the walls out isn't an issue is it?"

  "Not at all. It'll require some steel support beams on the supporting walls, but doable. Are you sure you don't want to leave the kitchen closed. Or maybe just knock out a half wall to the dining room and put in a counter with bar stools?"

  Gladys looked from Bill to Nick. Nick nodded. "That's a wonderful idea."

  Bill made some notations. "I think you'll be happy with that decision."

  "Good, when can you start?" Gladys seemed anxious to get the conversation over with. Probably so she could get on to devouring Nick.

  "I'll work up the plans as soon as we get back." Bill said.

  I shot Bill a look, yeah, you heard right his grin seemed to say. As soon as we get back. We, as in we're an item. And I couldn't say a word about it. At least not right now.

  The waiter saved Bill the discomfort of my look when he arrived to take our order. Saved by the bell again. Lucky him. At least that part of business was over. Now I could go home and put some distance between us.

  Chapter Seventeen

  I kicked off my shoes and sorted through the mail. It felt good to be home. I didn't even mind the snowy roads on the drive from the airport. Yet, I felt emptiness too. I missed Bill already, and it hadn't even been twenty-four hours since I'd last seen him.

  I'd half expected to see him at the airport this morning. In fact, I was surprised when he wasn't on my flight. Probably just as well. At least I didn't have to make excuses to not see him.

  No doubt I'd see him soon enough at Gladys's house. It seemed only reasonable we'd run into each other. I'd have to go back and take more measurements of the new rooms, order different lighting and flooring.

  Shoot, I hadn't thought to ask Gladys if she wanted to stick with marble floors and area rugs. Hell of a lot more space to fill up that's for sure. More than likely she'd want to. She'd been adamant about the marble.

  I wished she'd chosen a warmer material or at least a warmer color marble. Even hardwood, especially now that she decided to open it up. What a vast space to fill with marble. Hopefully it wouldn't look like a museum.

  The blues and purples were cold enough. I had to do something to warm up the room. I'm sure I'd come up with something. Gladys had given me carte blanche. I could choose whatever I wanted. Couldn't I?

  I set the mail back on the table and picked up my plans for Gladys's room. All scrap now. No more browns and greens. Already, I began to plan the room in my mind. Vivid blues in the living room and royal purple in the dining room.

  The richness of the upholstery had to compliment the wood on the table. No, not wood, glass. That's it, a large glass topped dining room table with pewter wrought-iron legs or maybe antique brass.

  Brass would warm the room up a bit. Square or round? I'd have to decide that once I saw the openness and size of the room. I leaned toward round, but this room might need oblong. Bar stools around the counter. I'd have to wait to see how big. I wonder how Bill would feel about a half round top.

  What kind of fabric on the chairs? Maybe Damask, velvet, or brocade. Brocade, definitely brocade. And glass and brass end tables and maybe a coffee table in the living room with a couple of love seats and over-sized couch.

  I'd set up several seating areas. Definitely one around the fire place. A couple of fireside chairs were a must. Velvet or cut-velvet on the couches. Something nubby on the chairs for more texture. Chenille, that's it.

  The phone rang, interrupting my thoughts. Who knew I was home? Probably a telemarketer. I grabbed the phone off the stand in the corner. "Hello."

  "Hi, do you miss me?"

  Bill's sexy voice sent an electrical bolt through me. I smiled. I couldn't help it. "Haven't had time to." I lied. No way was I going to tell him the truth. Let him wonder.

  "Where are you?" I almost hated to ask, but I needed to know. Needed to prepare so I could avoid him, make excuses why I couldn't go out with him.

  "Still in Florida. My flight leaves in an hour."

  "I see." Safe for another day. Think, I told myself. I needed a good excuse in case he asked me out. Busy, yeah, busy doing what. Working? No, he wouldn't buy that. Wouldn't allow it. A date. That's it, I had a date.

  "So, how would you like to pick me up at the airport? My flight arrives at eight fifteen."

  "Tonight?" That caught me off guard. I hadn't expected that. He wouldn't fall for the date excuse. He knew I just got home. Shoot.

  "Yeah, tonight. You don't have a hot date, do you?"

  I let out my breath. Damn, damn, damn. I hadn't counted on seeing him this soon. Yet part of me wanted to say yes. Wanted to see him. Hell, my body ached for him. Dare I pick him up? Phew. What to do?

  "Wendy, are you there?"

  "I'm here. I'm thinking."

  "This isn't rocket science. It's a simple yes or no answer. Besides, I'd like to discuss Gladys's house with you."

  I sighed. "Okay, what time?"

  "My flight lands at 8:15. Probably 8:30 give or take."

  "Okay, see you later." I hung up before he said anything more. Why had I agreed to this? Already heat burned in my stomach. Part of me, granted a very big part, looked forward to seeing him.

  I put the phone back in its cradle and went to the bathroom to freshen up. A quick run through with the flattening iron was definitely in order. I reached in the cabinet for it and remembered it was in my luggage. Thankfully, I had been able to retrieve my luggage when I landed.

  * * *

  I pulled into the airport at eight-thirty on the dot. My stomach turned somersaults. Just the thought of seeing Bill again caused my insides to tremble. I kn
ew this was silly, but I couldn't help it. The rational part of me tried to deny these feelings, but my body and emotions played havoc with me.

  None of it made sense. It wasn't as if we'd made mad passionate love or anything. Yet the memory of his kisses burned in my mind. No, we hadn't made love. Yet. But, I knew it wasn't far off. I couldn't resist him much longer. Even though my brain said no, part of me wasn't sure I wanted to. I felt like I was being pulled in two.

  The logical part of my mind told me to get out, run away. This wasn't good for my career plans. But the other part, the irrational part told me to run forward, grab what happiness I could and see what happened.

  Not like me, not like me at all. I never rushed into anything. I always studied everything, weighed the pros and cons before I made a decision.

  Yet, hadn't I been doing that ever since I met Bill? Weighing the pros and cons? Studying the idea of sleeping with him. Everything about this told me it wasn't a good idea. A relationship didn't fit with my lifestyle.

  Unfortunately, my body, as well as my heart, betrayed me. I wanted him with all my heart and soul. Wanted to get to know him better, wanted to spend time with him.

  And, dear God in heaven, I so wanted his body.

  Even now, sitting here waiting, I ached for him. I closed my eyes and imagined what it would be like to make love to him. Gentle, yet passionate, so very passionate, how I knew I had no idea. But I knew it'd be wild and sexy and...

  Someone tapped at my window. My eyes flew open and my cheeks flamed. Bill stood there with that silly grin that turned my brain to mush.

  "Hey," I finally found my voice and popped the trunk for his luggage. "Good trip?" What a dumb thing to say, but I guessed it was better than nothing. No one ever made me feel as tongue tied as Bill.

  He threw his luggage into the trunk and opened the passenger door. "Was okay. I enjoyed the trip there better."


  "Yeah, this time an old bald guy sat next to me. Not half as pretty as you." Bill laughed, leaned over and kissed my cheek.

  Just the slight touch of his lips set me on fire and drove me crazy with desire. I longed to feel his lips on my mouth, wanted to feel his tongue slide in and claim mine.

  I put the car in gear and tried to focus on driving. This wasn't going well. All I had to do was drive him home, drop him off and get the hell out of there.

  "Which way?" I asked when we came out onto Route 237. "Where do you live anyway?"

  "Turn right. Actually, it's just down the street, in Berea."

  "Really? That's convenient."

  "It is. To everything, actually. Turn right here."

  I followed his directions into a neighborhood filled with old homes. Many of them Victorian.

  "So you're renovating an old house" Dumb, I already knew that. Why was it so hard to talk to him all of a sudden? Maybe because of my amorous thoughts? Amorous, ha, more like passionate thoughts. I couldn't seem to get the image of him in his snug shorts out of my mind. Those muscular legs did something to me. I wanted to see more. Lots more.

  "Pull in there." Bill pointed to a large Queen Anne Victorian.

  I pulled into the drive. "Front or back?"

  "Back." Bill started to unbuckle his seat belt.

  I pulled to the back and put the car in park.

  "Aren't you coming in?"

  "Uh, no. It's late. I have to go." That's all I needed. With those thoughts running through my mind, I'd never get out without doing something foolish.

  "I thought you'd want to see what I need done." Bill sat there, his door half opened.

  "About that. I'm not sure I can work on your house." Not work, and stay focused anyway. Best to cut the ties here and now.

  "Look, if you're worried about my intentions, I guarantee they're strictly professional. It's hands off, I promise."

  I looked at him. It wasn't him I was worried about. Oh, I had no doubt he'd take what I offered. That was the problem. I wanted to offer way too much. I wanted to take. No, this wouldn't work. I'd fall for him and then what. "I just don't think it's a good idea."

  "Look, just come in. Take a look around. See what you think. At least give me some advice." He put one leg out of the car and looked at me. "At least come in and meet Leo."

  He had me there. I did say I wanted to see his dog. Terrific! Now what was I going to do? I turned the key and pulled it out of the ignition. "Just for a minute, then I really have to go." I followed him into the house.

  "Welcome to my disaster area." Bill motioned me to go ahead of him when he opened the door and flipped on a light.

  "Disaster, you've got to be kidding." I stood in the center of the kitchen. "This is fantastic." I couldn't resist running my hand along the cherry cabinets that went from floor to ceiling. "You are keeping these, aren't you?"

  Bill laughed. "Absolutely. Make yourself at home. I'll put these away and get Leo."

  "Where is Leo?" I wanted a tour of the whole house, but that would have to wait. Especially the upstairs.

  "He's in his crate in my room."

  "In a crate? He hasn't been there the entire time you've been gone?"

  "Good grief, no. My neighbor had him. I called before I left and told her to bring him home. I didn't want to wait until morning to get him."

  I sighed. "Sorry."

  "Honest mistake. Go ahead look around. Feel free to turn on the lights." He headed through the doorway. "Living room's in here."

  I couldn't resist. I loved Victorian homes. Queen Anne especially. Obviously the house needed work. Sections of faded wallpaper were missing from the wall.

  I walked around the large room until I came to the front parlor. My heart pounded in my chest as I looked up the circular staircase. Shivers went up my spine.

  I pictured a young woman coming down that staircase, ready to meet her beau. Me. It was like I'd been here before. Instinctively, I knew there were pocket doors between the rooms. Oak. I checked and sure enough, I slid the rich oak doors closed. A cold breeze brushed past me, and I jumped. I had the weirdest feeling I was being watched. I hurried back to the kitchen in search of the other stairway. The clicking of nails on the bare floor caught my attention, and I turned to meet Leo.

  Before I said anything, Bill held up his hand. One rule. "Don't look, don't talk, and don't touch. Just ignore him."

  I backed off. I was just about to reach out and pet Leo.

  "I'll explain in a minute." He opened the door and let Leo out, waited a minute, came back in, and went to the refrigerator. "Cola?" Leo followed him like a little puppy.

  I nodded. "So, why the rule?"

  "For one thing, Leo's still a little shy. But mostly, it shows him whose boss. You know the Alpha thing."

  "I'm not sure I follow you." I set my keys on the table and sat in the chair Bill pulled out for me.

  "It's part of his training. If you make a fuss over him, he gets excited, then he starts jumping, and next thing you know he's in charge not you." Bill sat down, and Leo lay at his feet.

  "I see." Made sense to me. "My mother's dog could use some of that training. Dumb thing jumps all over everyone when they come into the house. Won't leave you alone, until you give him a treat."

  "Ah, see, he's the alpha in that house."

  "You can say that again. My mother spoils him rotten. Worse than a baby. Except when the grandkids come over, that is. They take priority."

  "How many grandkids are there?"

  "Five right now."

  "Sounds like fun. So, what, brothers? Sisters?"

  "All sisters. Two older, one younger. Tell me more about your brothers and sister. Older, younger?" I unbuttoned my jacket and slid it off.

  "Here, let me take that." Bill grabbed my jacket before I could refuse. "I already told you I have two brothers and a sister older, one brother younger. Greg, the oldest has four kids. All boys, Jeff, Sam, T.J. and John. Are you sure you want to know all this? I already told you most of it."

  "Absolutely." Anything to keep the conv
ersation rolling and keep my mind off his body.

  "Okay, you asked for it. Then there's Mike, he has two girls, Sarah and Kaitlyn and one boy, Robby. Next comes Stacy, she has one girl and two boys, Lisa, Chris and Todd." He took a sip of his cola.

  "Then there's Rick, he has two girls so far with another on the way, Allison and Amber and the new baby will be Andrea. Why he chose all A's is beyond me. But that's what they chose. So now you know the whole story."

  "What about your parents?"

  "You're kidding, right?"

  I shook my head.

  "Mom's name is Emily, she's 61 and Dad, Joe, is 64 and almost ready to retire. There you have it– the whole Johnson family tree. What else do you want to know?" He stood up. "How about a tour of the house?"

  I hesitated. I'd love to see the house. All of it, yet I didn't trust myself to go upstairs. "I was wondering, isn't there another staircase? I mean, didn't these houses usually have a front and back stairway?"

  "You're right. Come on I'll show you." Bill took my hand and pulled me up from the chair.

  I caught my breath as I stood almost face to face with him. He leaned down and brushed his lips over mine. At first just a whisper of a kiss, then it deepened.

  My lips quivered with the sensuality of his kiss. I inhaled the scent of him, citrusy, fresh. The room twirled around me as the kiss deepened yet again. His tongue invaded my mouth, entwined with mine. He tasted salty and delicious. In another moment I was going to give up control.

  Something bumped against my leg. I pulled away and looked down. Leo tried to get between us. Thank God, something stopped us. In another minute I might have done something I'd be sorry for. I walked to the closet where Bill hung my jacket. "I should go." And damn quick before something else happened.

  "I'm sorry. That wasn't very professional was it? I just couldn't help myself." Bill ran his hand through his hair. "Do you have any idea how attractive you are? How sexy?"

  I opened the closet and grabbed my jacket. "I have to go." He thought I was attractive, sexy. This wasn't good. He wanted me as much as I wanted him. No good, no good at all. I slipped my jacket on and hurried to the door.