Secrets, Lies & Love Read online

Page 11

  "You're mean," Olivia screamed and stomped from the room.

  Patrick raced after her and caught the door just before Olivia slammed it. "I'll not have you talk to me like that, young lady. Nor will I have you act so disrespectful. You'll stay in your room the rest of the night, and tomorrow you're going to your grandmother's."

  "I don't want to go to Grammy's. I want to stay with Mommy."

  Patrick took a deep breath, calmed down and changed his tone. "Tomorrow you're going to your grandmothers. Now put your pajamas on and get into bed. I don't want to hear another word from you the rest of the night. And do not go to your mother's room. Do you understand?"

  "Yes, sir." Olivia crossed her arms and pouted.

  "I mean it, Olivia. Do not go into your mother's room again." Patrick knelt down next to her and smoothed her hair. Mrs. Kincaid called and said something about a sleepover before school begins. Would you like that?"

  "I guess."

  "Are you still hungry?"

  "No, sir."

  Patrick kissed her cheek and hugged her. "Okay, I'll see you in the morning."

  "Do I have to go to bed? It's still light out."

  "No, but you are going to stay in your room. I'll be up later to tuck you in."

  Downstairs, Patrick found Mildred in the kitchen and explained the plans for the next day. "I'm going to Meghan's for a while. There's something I've been meaning to talk to her about. Olivia is in her room. Hopefully, she'll obey me and stay there."

  Chapter Nineteen

  Patrick knocked and walked in. Darn woman still didn't have enough sense to lock her door. "Meghan," he yelled while walking through the dining room. He had seen the light on in the tower room when he came across the street. Last thing he wanted was to scare her.

  "Patrick, what are you doing here?" Meghan came down the steps.

  "Just stopped in to see how you're doing." Even in her cut off jeans, she looked beautiful. Beautiful and sexy. "The place looks great. The boys did a great job painting. I like the colors."

  "Thanks. It's getting there. At least the main part of the house is clean and livable. Can't say as much for the bedrooms."

  "You're farther along than I imagined. Harry must be working out well."

  "Harry's a godsend. I did have a run in with the electrician though." Meghan finally came the rest of the way downstairs.

  "Walter? What happened?"

  "I caught him going through my aunt's dresser. I don't know what he was looking for. To make matters worse, he made a pass at me." Meghan stopped in front of him. "Would you like a cola or something to drink?"

  "A beer if you have one." Patrick followed her into the kitchen. "So what did you do?"

  "Actually, I slapped him." Meghan grinned and handed him a beer. "Harry gave me Elmer Barker's name. He's going to finish the job." She motioned for him to sit.

  "You slapped him?" Patrick laughed and pulled out a chair.

  "Someone should have done it a long time ago. I can't imagine what he was looking for." Meghan slid in the chair across from him. "Thanks for letting me have the day off by the way. I really appreciate it."

  "I'm glad it was only one day. We were swamped with phone calls today. You will be there tomorrow, right? I might have to leave for a while."

  "Sure. I'll be there."

  "Meghan…" Patrick set his beer on the table. "I've wanted to talk to you ever since Payton came back. I…there's…"

  "You don't have to explain, I understand."

  "No, I don't think you do. I know what the gossip mongers are saying. It's not true. Payton and I are not getting back together." Patrick stood. "I only let her come back because she had no place else to go. She's leaving tomorrow. I just wanted you to know there's nothing between us."

  "I see."

  "Meghan, look at me." Patrick moved toward her and lifted her chin. "There hasn't been anything between us for a long time. I don't know what made her think I'd take her back after all this time. To make matters worse, she's pregnant."

  Meghan looked up at him, and he couldn't resist. Her lips were just too tempting. He brought his mouth down to meet hers. She didn't pull away. He eased her up next to him and tightened his arms around her, opening her mouth with his tongue. Something crashed through the window. Meghan jerked away, and he pushed her aside. A rock lay on the kitchen floor. "What the hell?"

  Meghan's face paled, and she turned in circles, running her fingers through her hair. Patrick pulled his cell phone from his pocket and punched in a number. "Sanders, you better get over to Meghan's. Someone just threw a rock through the window."

  "What the heck is going on here? First the body, then the break-in, now this? Who has it in for me and why?"

  Patrick pulled her into his arms and tried to comfort her. Whoever it was sure wasn't fooling around. Before he knew it, a car skidded into the drive. Sanders got out and, before Patrick or Meghan could open the door, he walked in, glanced at them with a silly smirk and bent down to look at the rock.

  "Someone doesn't much like you. Any idea who?"

  Meghan shook her head.

  "Doubt we'll get any prints off this, but we'll check." Pete picked up the rock with a gloved hand and turned it over. "What's this? He looked closer. Someone's sending you a message. Says watch out. What do you think that means?"

  "I…I have no idea. Why would anyone want to hurt me? I haven't lived here for ten years. I've only been back a few weeks. How could I have made enemies in that short a time?" Meghan moved away from Patrick and sat down. "I hardly even talked to anyone."

  "What about Walter?" Patrick put his hand on her shoulder.

  "What about him?" Pete put the rock in an evidence bag and stood.

  "Why would Walter throw a rock through my window?"

  "You fired him, remember?" Patrick said."

  "Okay, but what does that have to do with the dead body and the break-in? I only just fired him today."

  "You said he was snooping in your aunt's dresser. Maybe he's looking for something. Maybe you interrupted him the other night, and he tried to finish the job today."

  "Walter was snooping in your aunt's dresser?"

  "Yes," Meghan said. "I caught him this afternoon. But what would that have to do with the murder?"

  "Good question. One I aim to find the answer to," Pete said. "Uh, you know you can't stay here again tonight? I'll post someone outside to keep an eye on things. You'll have to get that window fixed first thing in the morning."

  "Why can't I stay here? I'll put plastic over the window."

  "Crime scene. I'll send the lab guys out in the morning to have a look around. You might want to put plastic over the window anyway, to keep the critters out."

  "You can stay with me again," Patrick said.

  "No, I'll throw some things together and go stay at Aunt Clara's."

  Patrick nodded. He couldn't blame her. With Payton there, it would be awkward. "I'll tape some plastic over the window. Come on, Pete, give me a hand."

  Chapter Twenty

  Meghan drove the short distance to Aunt Clara's, thinking about Patrick and the rock incident. What a relief that he wasn't getting back together with Payton, but the rock incident bothered her. Who wanted to hurt her? Cause her trouble? Walter wouldn't do something so childish just because she rebuked him.

  Would he?

  No, it was more than that or maybe it was mere coincidence. High school kids horsing around? She shook her head. That didn't seem likely either. Kids just didn't do that here. Besides, what reason would they have to pick on her? No, it had something to do with the murder and break-in.

  She agreed with Pete - something was in the house and someone wanted it. But what and who? Obviously they had killed for it. She shivered. Would they kill again? Would they kill her? Was she in danger living in her own home? Right now it appeared so.

  After parking the car, Meghan hurried into Aunt Clara's. As usual, the old woman sat in her parlor, knitting and watching TV. She looked up when Me
ghan came in.

  "Meghan, what are you doing here?"

  "I need a room, Aunt Clara. Someone threw a rock through my window." Word of the incident would be all over town tomorrow anyway. No use keeping it a secret.

  "Oh, my goodness. Are you all right?"

  "I'm fine, but Sheriff Sanders says I can't stay there tonight."

  "I heard about the break-in. Does Pete think the incidents are connected?" Aunt Clara grabbed a key from the hook. "Number six, top of the steps and to the right."

  "I'm not sure what he thinks. Right now, I'm tired and just want to take a shower and go to bed."

  Aunt Clara shook her head. "Why don't you have a good soak? It'll help relieve the tension."

  Meghan gave Aunt Clara her credit card.

  "No charge, sweetie. Tonight you're my guest."

  "Thanks." Meghan took the key and headed upstairs. A hot soak sounded like a great idea.

  Ten minutes later, Meghan lowered herself into the big claw-foot tub. The warm water engulfed her body like comforting arms, instantly relaxing her. The scent of the lavender bath salts calmed her. Leaning back, she closed her eyes. Nothing better than a good soak to ease the tension. It wouldn't take much to fall asleep. She mulled over the conversation with Patrick. If someone hadn't thrown that rock, hard to tell where the evening might have led. Too bad it was interrupted.

  The next morning on the way to school, Meghan snapped her fingers. Darn, she'd blown the perfect opportunity to ask Aunt Clara about Steven and her aunt. With the rock incident and Patrick's kiss, she'd been totally distracted. Well, it had remained a secret this long, a few more days wouldn't hurt?

  First thing she did at school was call Harry. Thank goodness he could fix her window. An added expense she didn't need. At this rate, she'd be broke before the house was finished. There was barely enough money left to remodel the kitchen. At least it was clean and painted. She could live with it for a while, but she'd give her eye teeth to have a kitchen like Patrick's. Beautiful reproductions, yet all the modern conveniences. Harry said something about resurfacing her cabinets instead of buying new. The phone rang, breaking her thoughts. She was thinking more along the lines of stripping and refinishing them.

  Patrick stopped at her desk shortly after noon. "I have to leave for a while. Do you think you can handle things here?"

  "We'll soon find out, won't we? What I can't handle, I'll make a note and you can take care of later."

  "That's my girl." He kissed her cheek and left.

  * * *

  Patrick hurried to his car. Another problem he didn't need right now, especially with Payton. Who the hell did she think she was, refusing to leave? He skidded into the drive, threw the car in park and was out of it almost before it stopped. Rushing up the steps, he took a deep breath. Something told him this wasn't going to be the final showdown with Payton, but he sure as hell was getting her out of his house.

  The ambulance drivers paced the living room. Thankfully, they had agreed to wait. Patrick raced upstairs, taking the steps two at a time. Stopping in the bedroom doorway, he took another calming breath. "What the hell do you think you're doing?"

  Payton sat on the bed, combing her hair and looking like a queen. "What do I think I'm doing?" she screamed at him. "What the hell do you think you're doing? You're not getting rid of me that easy."

  "The hell I'm not. This is my home and you're not welcome here. The nursing home has a room for you and you're going, if I have to call the police and have you legally removed."

  "How could you do this to me? Just when I'm getting to know my daughter."

  "You should have thought of that a long time ago. Why the sudden urge to get acquainted now?" Patrick went into the room, grabbed her suitcase, opened the drawers and threw her clothes inside. "If you're lucky, I'll bring Olivia to visit once a week."

  "I'll take you to court. I'll regain custody." Payton slid to the edge of the bed. "Help me stand," she said to her nurse.

  "Yes, help her stand so she can get on the gurney and get the hell out of my house." Patrick threw the last of her clothes into the suitcase and slammed it shut. "Get her the hell out of here now."

  "Fine, I'll go, but you've not heard the last of me." Payton shot him a defiant look. One he remembered well from their marriage.

  He stormed downstairs before he did something he'd regret. After sending the ambulance drivers upstairs, he went to find Mildred. "I'm sorry you had to deal with this. I should have known she'd give you trouble."

  Mildred wiped her hands on her apron and poured him a cup of coffee. "You could have told her she was leaving today. You didn't have to spring it on her like this."

  "You're right. I should have told her, but I was so damn angry at her and then someone threw the rock at Meghan's house and I completely forgot about it until you called."

  "But you remembered to take Olivia to her grandmother's. I think you were avoiding it."

  "Well, I wasn't going to let Olivia know before we left, that's for sure."

  "What are you going to tell her?" Mildred poured another cup of coffee and sat down opposite him.

  "I'll tell her the truth. The Nursing Home had a room for Payton."

  "Uh huh, and how do you think she's going to handle that?"

  Patrick scrubbed his face with his hands and shook his head. "Not good I'm sure. She'll have to learn to deal with it."

  "You're talking about a five year old who just met her mother. You better prepare yourself to do battle." Mildred finished her coffee, stood and went to the sink.

  Patrick stood. "I have to go back to work. I'll see you later." He hurried out as the EMTs were bringing Payton downstairs.

  "You're going to be sorry for this, Patrick."

  He ignored her, got in his car and drove off without looking back. Something told him she wasn't kidding. Right now he had parents to contend with. Payton was the least of his problems. He'd deal with her when he needed to.

  He arrived back at school just in time to see Hilda Richardson walk to the door. He groaned. He didn't feel like dealing with her today too. Poor Meghan shouldn't have to. He hurried to catch up. "Mrs. Richardson, how can I help you?"

  The woman stopped dead in her tracks. The look on her face would freeze water. "Just why did you have your wife removed from your home?"

  "Excuse me?" What the hell business was it of hers? "Payton is no longer my wife. She divorced me four years ago. Or did you forget?" Patrick didn't care if his voice sounded testy. He was tired of the old battleaxe running people's lives. Like she had nothing better to do with her time.

  Putting her hands on her hips, she harrumphed. "You'll kindly remember who you're talking to, young man. It's that Shelby woman, isn't it? She's coming between you and your wife."

  "I know very well who I'm talking to. My business is none of your concern." With that, Patrick turned and walked into the building. He'd had enough of bitchy women today. It wouldn't be long before the whole town knew what a disrespectful bastard he was. Right now, he really didn't care. If people in this town didn't have better things to do than gossip about him, then so be it. Of course his mother was probably going to be the first to hear it. He'd better call and let her know right away.

  After Patrick talked to his mother, who, thankfully, didn't care what the town gossips had to say, he sat down to explain things to Meghan. She had a right to know what was going on.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  After a harrowing day like today, all Meghan wanted to do was soak in a hot tub and think. No intrusions, no rocks, no Patrick. Nothing but blissful relaxation. No more did she turn on the water and the phone rang. Darn it, she forgot to buy a portable phone. For two cents, she'd let it ring. How important could it be? She hardly knew anyone in this town.

  Long time habits were hard to break, and she answered it.

  "You'd be smart to leave," the caller said in menacing voice.

  Shivers ran up her spine. "Who is this?"

  "Who I am isn't importan
t. Take my advice and go back where you came from."

  Meghan stood trembling with the phone in her hand after the caller hung up. Who was threatening her? More importantly, why? After pushing the button to disconnect the call, she dialed the sheriff.

  "I need to talk to Pete Sanders, please."

  "May I tell him whose calling?"

  "Meghan, Meghan Shelby."

  A few minutes later, Pete came on the line and Meghan explained about the caller.

  "I'll be right over. Sit tight."

  So much for relaxing. Lord, she didn't want Pete here. Didn't want to go through all the same stupid questions again. If she had any idea who was doing this, she would have told him.

  None of this made sense. She went downstairs to wait for him. She didn't have long to wait.

  A few minutes later, Patrick came in. "What's going on, Pete? What happened? Why are you here again?" He hurried to Meghan. "Are you okay? Why didn't you call me?"

  Meghan sat down. How many times was she going to have to go through this? She didn't have the energy to explain, so she let Pete.

  "We'll check your phone records. See where the call came from. My guess, probably a phone booth. Next time, don't answer. Let your machine pick up."

  "I don't have an answering machine. Haven't had time to get one." Meghan sighed. "Never had a need for one before."

  "Then get one." Pete stood by the door. "And Meghan, maybe you should get a security system or a dog."

  A dog. Just what she needed. What good would a security system do for phone calls or someone throwing rocks through the window? For that matter what good would a dog do?

  "You look tired." Patrick rubbed her neck and shoulders.

  "I am. I was just about to take a long hot soak in the tub."

  "Why don't you go take one? I'll stay here until you're done."

  Tempting as the idea was, she didn't like the idea of Patrick sitting here while she was in the tub. He should be home with his daughter. Oh, God, Olivia, she completely forgot about her. "How did Olivia take the news about Payton?"