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Secrets, Lies & Love Page 12
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Page 12
Patrick rubbed the back of his neck. "I haven't told her yet. I was on my way to my mother's when I saw Pete's car and came over here."
"Something tells me you're stalling."
"I am. It's not a conversation I'm looking forward to. She's changed since Payton's been here." Patrick paced the kitchen. "Hell, I don't know how to deal with her anymore. She talks back. She's never done that before. To be honest, I'm dreading telling her."
"I'm sorry. I wish I could give you some advice. It must be hard on her not having a mother all this time and now…"
"That's just it. I know damn good and well once Payton has her baby, she'll leave again, just like she did before. That's going to hurt Olivia more."
"Sitting here isn't helping. I think you need to talk to your daughter."
"You sure you're okay?"
"I'm fine. Go on. Call me later if you want to talk."
Patrick pulled her to him and pressed his mouth against hers and kissed her. A kiss that promised so much more. Meghan wished he could stay, but slowly pushed him away.
"I'll call you," he said.
With all ideas of a long relaxing bath gone, Meghan decided to go up to the tower room. Tomorrow, she'd go to the mall and pick up a portable phone and an answering machine.
* * *
Settling herself next to the chest, she opened it and pulled out her aunt's diary. She'd like to find out more about Steven. She lifted the diary out, leaned against the wall, and opened it to where she left off.
I snuck out to meet Steven again last night. We met at the old Barstow barn. Steven is gentle and loving. He asked me to marry him, but I know my parents will never give us permission. They'll say he's too young for me, and they think he's trouble.
I know he's only twenty-two, but age doesn't matter with love. That's only eight years. We're making plans to elope. That's the only solution. The only way we'll be together. I wish they'd give their blessings, but I know they won't. I'm thirty years old, old enough to do what I want. I'm meeting him again this weekend and we'll make our plans.
Meghan sat for a minute, taking it all in. How could her grandparents have so much control over her aunt? Even sixty years ago, women worked and did what they wanted. It wasn't like in the Victorian era, for heaven sake. And what about her mother, didn't Aunt Beth confide in her? Surely, between them, they could have talked their parents into giving their blessing. Something was very wrong here. She picked up the diary and turned the page.
My heart is broken. Steven met me and said he joined the Marines. He promised to send for me as soon as his basic training is over and he finds out where he'll be stationed. He said we'd get married then. Why don't I believe him? Why do I feel like he's abandoning me?
Poor Aunt Beth. To find the man you love and lose him in such a short time. The next twenty pages were filled with daily happenings. Nothing eventful. Meghan yawned, put the book back in the trunk and went downstairs. Patrick hadn't called and it was almost eleven o'clock. Time for bed. After she checked all the locks, she turned off the lights and went upstairs. Hopefully, she'd have a peaceful night. She wasn't sure how much more she could handle.
Chapter Twenty-Two
Patrick pulled into his mother's driveway and sat.
How was he going to explain to Olivia why Payton was better off in a nursing home? He sighed. Sitting here wasn't accomplishing anything and putting it off wasn't going to solve the problem. Damn Payton. If she hadn't come back he wouldn't have this problem. He got out of the car and walked slowly up the steps.
Olivia didn't rush to greet him like she usually did. In fact, she hadn't rushed to greet him since Payton got out of the hospital. Was he losing his daughter? Hell, he'd gladly give her up and share her if Payton was the kind of mother Olivia deserved.
He found Olivia in the kitchen with his mother. At least that hadn't changed. He kissed his mother's cheek and studied her face for any clue as to Olivia's mood. His mother raised her eyebrows, which revealed a lot.
Olivia still hadn't acknowledged him. Probably still mad because she hadn't wanted to come here to begin with. "Hey, peanut." Patrick leaned down and kissed her cheek. "No hugs for Daddy?"
Olivia continued to play with her cookie and ignored him. Patrick sat on the stool next to her. "The silent treatment doesn't work well with me, O," he said, using his special name for her.
Still, she ignored him.
His mother set a plate of spaghetti in front of him, and he pushed it away. "Olivia, look at me."
Olivia dipped her cookie in the milk and took a bite, not even turning her head.
Patrick moved his stool closer and turned her toward him. "It's not like you to act this way."
"I want to go home." Olivia jumped off the stool and ran to the other room.
Patrick looked at his mother who shrugged. No help there. He'd never lost his patience with Olivia, but he was just about at his wits end. "Olivia, come here." He'd never used that tone with her before, either.
Olivia stomped back into the kitchen and stopped in front of him. "What?"
"Sit down. I need to talk to you."
Olivia crawled back on the stool and sat, arms crossed in front of her, her bottom lip stuck out.
"Your mother isn't at our house anymore. She's at a nursing facility where she'll get more care."
"You sent her away!" Olivia screamed. "She said you would. She told me you don't love her anymore." Olivia jumped off the stool and ran to the door, yanked it open and ran outside.
Patrick raced after her. What the hell was wrong with Payton, telling a five year old kid something like that? Stupid bitch would do anything to turn Olivia against him. Obviously, Payton knew there was no chance he'd take her back. Patrick reached Olivia just before she ran across the street. He picked her up, ignoring her flailing hands and kicking. "Now you wait just a minute here, young lady. Your mother knew it was only a matter of time until they had a bed for her at the nursing home. It has nothing to do with whether I love her or not."
Olivia sobbed against him. "Mommy told me you won't let me see her."
Patrick carried Olivia back to the house. This wasn't something he wanted to discuss in front of neighbors. "If you behave yourself, I'll take you to see her this weekend." Patrick sat on the couch and cradled his daughter close. He couldn't take the chance she'd run off again. Besides, he was too tired to chase her.
"Why can't we go today?"
"It's too late today. Visiting hours are over."
"Can we go tomorrow?"
"I have meetings tomorrow night. We can go Sunday."
"Why not Saturday?"
Patrick rubbed his face. "Because you're spending Friday night and Saturday with Lily and Jill, remember."
"I'd rather visit Mommy."
Patrick shook his head. "Your mother needs her rest so she can get better."
Olivia shook her head. "Mommy said she's bored staying in bed all the time."
Patrick sighed. "That's another reason it's better at the Nursing Home. They'll put your mother in a wheelchair and take her to the dining room. They even have crafts and activities. She won't have to stay in bed all the time."
Chapter Twenty-Three
Sunday morning, Olivia woke Patrick bright and early. "You promised to take me to see Mommy today." She jumped on the bed.
Patrick rolled over, glanced at the clock and groaned. "O, it's only six thirty. Visiting hours aren't until this afternoon."
Olivia lay down and cuddled with him. "But I'm so excited."
Patrick fought to keep his eyes open. "That's great, but how about we try to sleep for a couple more hours."
Olivia sat up and bounced on the bed. "I can't sleep. I'm so excited to see Mommy. I miss her."
Patrick sat up and leaned back. "Please stop jumping."
Olivia stopped bouncing and looked at him. "Don't you like Mommy?"
"My feelings for your mother have nothing to do with you jumping on the bed."
"Mommy doesn't th
ink you like her."
Patrick groaned. "Your mother's been gone a long time, Olivia. Sometimes parents don't live together. It has nothing to do with you."
"Are you and Mommy vorced?"
"Divorced. Yes, we are."
"How come?" Olivia curled up on his lap and cuddled against him.
"Sometimes adults don't get along, and it's better if they go their separate ways."
"But Mommy doesn't want to be vorced anymore. She told me."
Patrick smoothed Olivia's hair and sighed. "Let's get some breakfast." What could he possibly say to that? Damn Payton.
* * *
Olivia skipped into the Nursing Home ahead of Patrick. Never had he seen his daughter so excited. If he thought for even a minute Payton wouldn't change and take off again after she had this baby, he'd be thrilled for Olivia. But he knew Payton. These were her hormones making her act all motherly again. It wouldn't last.
After inquiring at the desk, they found Payton in the dining room, the center of attraction. Why didn't that surprise him? Payton loved attention from everyone, young or old. Olivia spotted her, ran to her, and hugged her.
Patrick stayed back and watched. He'd allow Olivia and Payton a few private moments before he intruded. Not that they had much privacy surrounded by the other patients.
Payton glanced at him, barely hugged Olivia, and pushed her aside.
Poor Olivia looked surprised that Payton didn't pay more attention to her. He pulled a chair from another table and joined the group. Apparently, Payton was entertaining them with stories of New York.
Olivia said something to her mother, but Payton didn't answer, and pushed her aside again. She came to sit on Patrick's lap. "Can we go now?"
Like he was going to say no. Hell, he wanted to cheer. "If you're ready. How would you like to stop someplace for dinner?"
"Okay." Olivia took his hand and they left without even saying goodbye. He doubted Payton even noticed.
"I have an idea. How about we see if Ms Shelby wants to go to dinner with us?" Patrick hated seeing Olivia so despondent. How inconsiderate of Payton to ignore her. Of course, being the center of attention was more important to Payton, always had been - pregnant or not.
"Do you want to call her?" Patrick motioned toward his cell phone.
Olivia picked up the phone and flipped it open. "Okay."
"Find the contact list and scroll to the letter S."
"Is this it?" Olivia showed him the phone.
"No, that's Sheriff Sanders. It should be the next one."
Olivia showed him the phone again.
"Yes, that's it."
"What should I say?"
"Ask her if she'd like to go to dinner with us."
"She said okay," Olivia said after her conversation with Meghan.
"Good, tell her we'll be there in two minutes to pick her up."
"She said she needs at least a half hour."
Patrick laughed. "Okay, half hour."
Olivia flipped the phone closed. "You like Ms Shelby, don't you, Daddy?"
"Yes, I like her very much." No point in lying.
"I like her too. She's nice."
* * *
After dinner, Patrick took Meghan home, hoping she'd invite them in. She didn't disappoint him. Thankfully, Olivia returned to her bubbly mood through dinner. He knew she was hurt that Payton ignored her. He'd love to talk to Meghan about it, but it would have to wait.
"So, how's the house coming along?" He asked Meghan.
"Slow. I've been more interested in reading my aunt's diary than I have in clearing out the tower room."
"Your aunt kept a diary?"
"Yeah, can you believe it? She actually had a beau. I found his hat, a valentine, and a bowling shirt in the closets. No one ever talked about him."
"Can I watch TV?" Olivia interrupted.
"Sure." Meghan led Olivia into the living room and set the channel for her."
The phone rang, and she grabbed it on her way back. "Hello."
Again the harsh voice said. "Why didn't you leave yet? Nothing good can come of you being here."
Meghan almost dropped the phone. Her knees trembled, and she grabbed on to the doorway for support.
Patrick hurried to her side. "What is it? What's wrong?"
"It was him again, telling me to leave. I have to call Pete."
Patrick took the phone from her and punched in the number for the sheriff's office. Pete answered on the second ring. "Pete, Meghan got another call."
"Okay, on my way. Are you with her?"
"Yeah, I'm with her now." Patrick hung up and led Meghan to a chair in the kitchen.
"I don't understand who's doing this. Why does someone want me to leave?"
Pete arrived before she had a chance to answer. "I thought I told you not to answer the phone. Did you get an answering machine?"
"It was just reflex. Yes, I bought one."
"Okay, what did he say?" Pete pulled out a chair and sat down.
"Same thing as before," Meghan said. "Were you able to trace the other call?"
"Yeah, just like I thought, it came from a phone booth. I'm sure this one will too. You didn't recognize the voice?"
Meghan shook her head. "It was harsh, deep. No one I ever heard before."
"Probably disguised it. Are you sure you didn't tick someone off?"
Meghan shook her head. "No one but Walter, and I haven't heard from him."
Pete stood. "Okay, you think of anyone else, you call me.
Chapter Twenty-Four
After Patrick left, Meghan went up to the tower room. For some reason it comforted her. No way was she going to sleep. At least not right away. Who was making those phone calls? Who broke in and threw a rock through the window? Who wanted to get rid of her? She shivered. God, maybe she shouldn't have come back. Maybe she shouldn't fix up the house. But where would she go? She'd already settled her parents' estate. Besides, she had her job here now. And Patrick.
Sitting on the floor next to the trunk, she opened it and took out the diary. Something drew her to it more than usual tonight. After finding the page she left off, she began reading. All the ordinary stuff about her aunt's day to day existence. Nothing new or exciting. After twenty pages, Meghan yawned and put the book back. She could hardly hold her eyes open. She had to go to bed, like it or not.
Maybe she'd never have the answer to why her parents left. What had become of Steven? After he left for the service, Aunt Beth didn't mention him again. Even after skipping ahead, looking for his name, she hadn't seen it. Of course, she'd been skimming and could have missed it.
Downstairs, she stopped in front of the buffet. Something about it beckoned to her. What was it? Something important, but darned if she knew what. Something she was supposed to remember. Her mind was so cluttered between work, Patrick, and the house, she couldn't remember her name half the time. Whatever it was would come back to her eventually. After checking the locks on the windows and doors, she went to bed.
* * *
Something woke her. A noise? She lay still and listened. No, not a noise. A feeling. A dream? No, something more than that. What was it? Something about the buffet. Meghan glanced at the clock. Almost six o'clock. She had another hour to sleep. Whatever it was that woke her certainly wasn't going to let her go back to sleep.
She got up and decided to make coffee. As she walked past the buffet, something stopped her. She ran her hand along the smooth top. What was she supposed to remember? She pulled open the drawer. Nothing but silverware. Wait. It suddenly came to her. Reaching into the corner, she pulled the memory card out. She had meant to show it to Patrick. What did it mean? Her aunt didn't have a digital camera, so why did she have the memory card? Sliding it in her pocket, she went to make the coffee.
A few minutes later, Meghan opened her laptop and waited for it to boot up. Fortunately, the memory card fit into the slot. A picture of a man and woman going into a hotel filled the screen. "Oh, my God
, that's Walter." Meghan put her hand to her mouth. "Walter and Payton." The next slide showed them kissing before getting on the elevator. Another showed them in a car wrapped in each other's arms.
What was Walter doing with Payton? For that matter what was Payton doing with Walter? Is this what he was looking for in her aunt's dresser? The last slide showed them in bed, making love.
Why did Aunt Beth have this? Who took the pictures? Why? Was someone blackmailing Walter or Payton or both? Is this why Payton came to Littleton? Patrick said she wanted to get back together. Was that true, or did she want to be closer to Walter? Should she show these to Patrick? She definitely had to show them to Pete. Did it have something to do with the murder? Meghan poured a cup of coffee. She had to think. Patrick said Payton lived in New York. What was Walter doing in New York?
Payton was pregnant with a married man's baby. Was Walter that man? Heck, was Walter even married? Meghan slid an English muffin into the toaster. Think, darn it. What and how much should she tell Patrick? When should she call Pete? She buttered the muffin and went back to her laptop. The last picture filled the screen. Someone knocked on her door. Meghan glanced at the clock. Not even seven. Who the heck could that be? She grabbed the phone before she answered the door and placed her finger on the number to dial 911.
Peeking through the curtain, she sighed. Patrick. What was he doing here this time of morning? "Patrick, what's wrong?"
"Nothing. I couldn't sleep and saw your lights so I came over. Coffee ready?" He leaned down and kissed her cheek.
"No really, why are you here?" By now she knew him well enough to know he was lying.
"Okay, I was worried about you."
Meghan refilled her cup and poured one for him. Oh, crap, the computer. Too late, she remembered. Patrick stood in front of the table, looking at the last picture of Walter and Payton.
"Where did you get this?"
"I found it in the buffet drawer with the silverware. I forgot about it until this morning. I wonder if this was what Walter was looking for in my aunt's dresser."