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Secrets, Lies & Love Page 13
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Page 13
Patrick took a sip of coffee, and Meghan hit the arrow so the slide went back to the first one. "I have to show these to Pete."
Patrick leaned over and hit the arrow key so the next picture appeared on the screen. "These were taken in New York."
"That's what I thought. Patrick, do you suppose Walter is the father of Payton's baby?"
Patrick scrubbed his hand over his face. "I don't know what to think. Did you call Pete?"
"No, I only just saw them myself and was debating what to do."
"Guess we better call him."
"It might be too early for Pete." Meghan found the phone and punched in the number.
"I doubt it. But they'll get a message to him regardless."
After talking to Pete, she sat down at the table, her English muffins untouched. "Are you hungry? I can make some breakfast."
"I don't think I could eat if you paid me. You don't think Walter killed that guy, do you?"
Meghan shrugged. "I don't know what to think. But I do know someone put that memory card in my buffet, and I don't think it was Aunt Beth."
Patrick chuckled. "No, I don't think it was your aunt either. Any number of people had access to this house. Funny I never saw anyone."
"More than likely they didn't show up in broad daylight."
Next thing Meghan knew, Pete walked in. "What's going on now?"
Meghan opened her computer and waited for the pictures to boot up.
"Hell, that's Walter Anderson. Who's the chick? She looks familiar. Where are they?"
"The chick is my ex wife. I believe they're in New York."
The next picture came onto the screen, and Pete let out a low whistle. "Where'd you get these?"
Meghan explained and Pete rubbed his chin. "Sure would like to know who took 'em."
"Maybe Walter can tell you. I have a feeling that's what he was looking for in Meghan's aunt's dresser."
"I'm gonna have to take that." Pete held out his hand for the memory card.
Meghan ejected it just as the last picture appeared on the screen.
"Holy crap, what was that?"
Meghan handed him the card. Neither she nor Patrick needed to see it again. Pete could look at the last picture as long as he wanted in his office. She'd seen quite enough of it, and more than likely so had Patrick.
Just as Pete left, Patrick's cell phone rang. He flipped it open. "Hello."
After someone responded, he said, "Be right there." And flipped the phone closed. "I have to go. I might be late coming into school. Can you handle things?"
"Sure, no problem," Meghan said as Patrick hurried out. Whatever the call was about, she hoped it wasn't serious.
Chapter Twenty-Five
Meghan came in from work, tossed her purse on the counter and sighed. What a day. Being a school secretary wasn't as easy as it sounded.
Poor Patrick looked exhausted when he finally came to work. Too bad they didn't have time to talk, other than for him to reassure her everything was okay.
The phone rang, and Meghan held her breath, waiting for the answering machine to pick up.
"Ms Shelby," a young voice came through the machine, "this is Olivia. Daddy and I wanted to know if you'd like to come for dinner. Mrs. Tupper made roast beef."
Meghan grabbed the phone and pushed the talk button. "Olivia, I'd love to come to dinner. Give me a few minutes to change, and I'll be right over."
"Daddy, she's coming." Olivia yelled. "Daddy said okay. Bye."
Meghan laughed and ended the call. Now maybe she and Patrick could talk. Whatever happened today set Patrick on edge all day. Something told her it had to do with Payton. Maybe Pete talked to her and Walter. Boy, what she'd give to be a fly on the wall during that interrogation.
* * *
After dinner, Meghan and Patrick sat on the patio with their coffee. Olivia elected to watch TV, and Mildred made herself scarce. "So, what happened today?"
Patrick blew out a breath. "Payton had a miscarriage. She's in the hospital, they had to do a D&C. They'll release her tomorrow."
"Wow. I'm sorry. I mean…"
"Don't be. It's better all the way around, especially for the kid, Payton's not mother material. She probably would have dumped the baby off on someone and took off just like she did with me."
"Did you talk to her about Walter?"
"No. I'll let Pete deal with her. At least now I know she'll take off as soon as her ankle is healed." Patrick took a sip of coffee. "I feel bad for Olivia. Although after our last visit, she hasn't asked to see Payton again."
"She's a great kid. She deserves better. I wish I knew if Pete found out anything about Walter. I'm tired of screening my calls and listening for footsteps and other noises during the night."
"We'll find out soon enough. Look." Patrick pointed toward the driveway.
Pete got out of his car and walked toward them. "Well, I've got some interesting news."
"Want some coffee?" Patrick offered.
"Don't mind if I do. I've got a lot to tell ya."
When Patrick returned with another cup, Pete sat down and looked from one to the other. "Walter killed that guy. Took a lot to get it out of him. But once I showed him the pictures, he knew I had him dead to rights, and he crumpled." Pete took a sip of coffee, set the cup down and leaned back.
"Seems he was up in New York for a convention a while back. Met up with Payton at a bar. Swears he didn't know she was your ex. Anyways, they hit it off and next thing you know they spent the weekend together. He hasn't seen or talked to her since. Apparently old man Nelson, he's the mayor in Wyattville, hired a private investigator when his daughter, Clare, suspected Walter of fooling around. Guess this guy, Luke Harris, followed Walter all the way to New York and got those pictures.
"Then Harris got greedy and tried to blackmail Walter. But Walter wasn't having it. Heck, he didn't have no money 'cept what Clare had, and she kept a tight rein on it. Walter had to account for every penny. Wasn't no way he could pay Harris off. Guess they got into it, and one thing led to another and Walter killed him. Claims it was an accident. That he only meant to scare Harris." Pete finished his coffee and stood.
"Don't reckon you'll be bothered by any more phone calls or midnight intruders. Walter admitted to that too. He's been looking for that memory card for months. Said he figured if you were out of the way, he'd have a better chance of finding it. He had a feeling Harris hid it in your aunt's house."
Patrick stood and shook Pete's hand. "Thanks for stopping by, Pete. We appreciate it."
"Wow," Meghan said after Pete left, "I never would have thought Walter capable of murder."
"I'm just glad they figured it all out. If you hadn't found that memory card, we still wouldn't know."
Meghan yawned. "It's been a long day. I think I'm going to go."
Patrick took her hand. "I'll walk you home."
Meghan laughed. "No need. It's just across the street."
"I know, but I want to."
* * *
Meghan put her key in the lock. "Thanks for dinner. I enjoyed it."
Patrick put his arm around and pulled her close. "Now that things are settled down, I'd like to take you out again."
"I'd like that."
"Good," Patrick said as he brought his lips to hers. "I've wanted to do this all day." He backed her into the house and closed the door with his foot.
Chapter Twenty-Six
Meghan rolled over in bed, glanced at the clock, closed her eyes and pulled the sheet up over her head to block out the light. Seven o'clock was too early to get up on Saturday. She needed at least another hour. The phone rang, and she groaned. Who the heck would be calling this early? She dived for the phone on the night stand.
"Meghan, Meghan Shelby?" a female voice said.
"Ms Shelby, this is Payton MacShaunessy. I'm calling because I believe you're having an affair with my husband."
Meghan's brea
th caught in her throat and she choked. "What?"
"I said…"
"I heard what you said." Meghan cut her off. "What the heck are you talking about?"
"It's all over town that you're having an affair with Patrick."
"Okay, first of all, my affairs are none of your business. Second of all, you're no longer Patrick's wife. And third, I don't give a darn what the whole town is saying."
"They're saying you're just like your mother."
Meghan sat up, swung her legs over the side of the bed and stood. "What do you know about my mother?" If she had any brains, she'd hang up. Listening to Patrick's ex wife was insane. But that comment about her mother piqued her curiosity.
"I don't know anything about her, honey. Just what the gossipmongers are saying."
"Look, if you have nothing better to do than listen to the gossipmongers, I feel sorry for you. I don't have time for this."
"Well, as you well know, since I'm stuck in this nursing home – thanks to you – I have nothing better to do than listen to gossip."
Thanks to her. That did it. "I'm hanging up now." Meghan ended the call and sat back on the bed. Obviously, Payton wasn't giving up on Patrick. Who the heck did she think she was? And where the heck did Payton get the nerve calling and accusing her of having an affair with her husband? If she wasn't so angry, it would be funny.
What were the gossipmongers saying about her mother? What did they mean, she was just like her mother? What was wrong with her mother? Only one way to find out. She'd have to pay a visit to Aunt Clara. Clara would know what the town was saying and what it meant. Too bad today was out of the question. The high school kids were coming to paint the bedrooms, and she didn't dare leave them alone.
At least that would give her time to clean the tower room. If she could stay away from the diary, that is. She still thought it held the answer to why her parents left and never came back.
Before she had time to make more coffee the high school kids showed up. Sonny, the boy she put in charge, smiled rather sheepishly. "Sorry some of the boys couldn't come today. Football practice." Four boys stood behind him.
"That's okay. There are only the bedrooms left to do. I think you can manage."
Sonny shuffled his feet. "They said they'd come later if they weren't too tired, but I don't think they'll be here."
"That's fine," Meghan said. "If they show up, put them to work."
The boys didn't move.
"Is there something else?"
"Um… yeah, we have to leave early kind of we promised to help someone move later."
"Oh. Well, do as much as you can today and you can finish up next week."
"Okay, thanks."
Meghan finished making her coffee. Payton's words kept running through her mind. What did she mean about her mother? Since the boys were only going to be here until noon, she'd have time to talk to Aunt Clara. Not much point in starting anything in the tower room. Maybe she'd just relax and read the diary.
An hour later, Meghan yawned and turned the page. This had to be the most boring diary she ever read. Three months of daily nothingness. Just what Aunt Beth had for dinner, games they played or stuff they bought at the store. But suddenly it changed. Meghan sat up, barely able to contain herself at the words in front of her. The entry for May 20th, Aunt Beth wrote. I think I'm pregnant. I haven't had a period in almost three months. I don't know what to do. I told Ellen and she said I have to see a doctor.
Oh, my gosh, Aunt Beth pregnant? Meghan quickly turned the pages, scanning them for confirmation. There it was on June 4th.
It's definite. I'm pregnant. Doctor Williams said the baby is due Nov. 4th. Mamma is beside herself. Pa won't even speak to me. Ellen said she'll take the child and raise it as her own since she can't have no kids. I guess that's the best thing. Of course the whole town is talking, saying I'm a slut. I don't know where Steven is. I haven't heard from him like he promised. I'm scared. I never had a kid before. Ellen said she'd take care of me. I'm moving in with her and John next week.
Meghan lowered the book. Aunt Beth was her mother. Why didn't they tell her? And why couldn't Aunt Beth raise her? It wasn't like the Victorian era for heaven sakes. It was the 80s. Certainly not the end of the world for a single woman to have a baby. Aunt Beth was thirty years old, for God sakes. Not like she was a teenager in high school.
Meghan read a few more entries, mostly stuff about shopping. One about a shopping trip to buy baby clothes brought tears to her eyes.
Ellen and I went shopping today. She's so excited to have this baby, that I think she forgets it's mine. Of course I couldn't possibly support a child, and she and John can give it so much. At least I'll be able to see my baby all the time. I just wish I didn't have to call it my niece or nephew. Mamma and Pa made me promise never to tell I'm its mother. Ellen and John agreed. They think it's better for the child not to know. I don't see what difference it makes. Sally Johnson had a baby last year, and she was only eighteen. Her parents let her keep it.
Poor Aunt Beth. The phone rang and Meghan put the book back in the trunk. After all these years to find out Aunt Beth was her real mother. Maybe Aunt Clara could fill in some of the details. Meghan still wanted to know what Payton meant. Surely the people in this town weren't so narrow-minded. How could they be if Sally Johnson had a kid?
"Hello." Meghan grabbed the phone just before the machine answered it.
"Hey, are we still on for dinner tonight?" Patrick's voice made her smile.
"I haven't changed my mind, have you?"
"Not a chance. Listen, I have to drop Olivia off at my mother's in an hour. How about I come by after and we can do something this afternoon?"
The offer was tempting, but Meghan really wanted to talk to Aunt Clara. If there was any truth to what Payton said about the gossipmongers, she didn't want to ruin Patrick's reputation. "I have to pass on this afternoon. I need to take care of a couple things."
"Okay, see you tonight, sevenish?"
"Okay, see you then."
Meghan hung up, ran a comb through her hair and checked to see if the boys were done.
"Hey, Ms Shelby, we're about ready to call it quits," Sonny said. "We'll see you next week."
Meghan followed them out and locked the door. Part of her dreaded what she was about to do.
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Meghan pulled into Aunt Clara's driveway. This was it, the moment of reckoning. Did she really want to know more? Not that there was much of a choice. If people were spreading rumors about her and Patrick, it was time to find out.
"Meghan, what a pleasant surprise. Come in."
"I have some questions, Aunt Clara. About my mother."
"I see, and how can I help?"
"I want to know what the people in this town are saying about me and my mother."
"Oh, my." Aunt Clara picked up her knitting and sat down.
"I know who my real mother is. I found her diary."
"Sit down, Meghan."
Meghan sat. Her stomach wrenched.
"Beth Rowlings, your mother, had, how should I put this, a bit of a reputation." Aunt Clara clanked the knitting needles together. "She got pregnant her junior year and your grandparents made her have an abortion. After that, she became, how should I say, a bit wild. Quit school and just didn't seem to care."
"Aunt Beth, wild?" Meghan couldn't bring herself to call her mother.
"Yes, after that it seemed like she slept with everyone and anyone willing. Married or single. Beth didn't care. She had several affairs. It wasn't until your mother, I mean Ellen, got married that she settled down. By then she was almost twenty-five, but her reputation was ruined." Aunt Clara sighed. "Your aunt was, how do they say, a bit slow. Not retarded, mind you. But had trouble learning and understanding things. Never did well in school. Might be why she quit. And then she took up with Steven Blackwell. He'd been in trouble a time or two on his own. Eight years younger than Beth."
"Yes, I read about him in her dia
ry." Meghan shifted in her seat. She had a feeling there was more unpleasantness to come.
"Your grandparents didn't like him and Beth rebelled again. Worse than the first time. She left home several times, went off with Steven, but always came back. Then Steven up and left. Just disappeared."
"He joined the service and promised to come back for her."
Aunt Clara shook her head. "That's what they wanted Beth to think. Truth was, your grandfather paid him to leave."
"But why? I don't understand. She was thirty years old for heaven sake. Why didn't they let her marry him?"
"Your grandparents thought he was after her money. She stood to inherit quite a lot."
"There wasn't that much money."
"There was back then. Unfortunately, your grandfather made some bad investments. Anyway, Steven took the money and left. He did join the service."
Meghan stood. This was too much to absorb. She needed to be alone. Needed to think. The gossipmongers were saying she was just like her mother. What was the matter with them? It wasn't like she was running around with every Tom, Dick, and Harry. Besides, Patrick wasn't married. It wasn't like they were sleeping together. Just because she spent the night at his house once after the burglary. Payton had something to do with this, she'd bet her life on it.
Question was, should she tell Patrick? He had his reputation to think about, and if people thought such horrible things about her, what were they saying about him? She didn't have long to find out. Deciding to stop at Miller's Bakery, she was met at the door by old Mrs. Maloney, one of town's worst gossiper.
"Well, well, if it isn't Meghan Shelby. I'm surprised to see you alone."
"Really, Mrs. Maloney? That's funny because I'm usually alone." This woman really galled her with her insinuations.
"Well, from what I understand you're usually with your boss, Patrick. You really should be more careful who you spend your time with. He is married after all."